The Bully |Part 2|

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I heard the bell and hurried into my next class, which so happened to be gym, and got changed. I changed into my gym clothes and put them aside as I waited for class to start.

Jungkook,also had gym and got changed. Some of,the girls came to talk to him but he ignored them

I adjusted my tank top and shorts, also making sure that my hair was down so it would cover some of the hickies on my neck. I ran my fingers across my neck and flinched as I touched them.

Yugyeom also had gym and went over to her. "Hello" he smiled a little at her. He wanted to hang out with her more often

"Hey," I sighed and started at the ground. I was angry with myself for telling him all those things but not I feel like I am forcing him to hang around me. "You can't tell anyone about anything I told you okay?"

"I won't" he promised and nodded. "I'm going to hang out with you form now on. No questions" he smiled

"A-Are you sure? I don't want to force you to hang out with me," I frowned and looked up at him. "Please don't hang out with me, I will only cause you to get bullied and I don't want that."

"I don't care" he shrugged. "I like hanging out with you so why should the others matter" he said sadly

He held her against the wall and shouted in her face, making her break down into tears but he didn't care. He was tired of her cheating on him all the time and making him out to be the bad guy."Maybe you should go ask Steven to take care of you now! Get the fuck away from me, we are done!" he shouted and watched her run away. He fell to his knees and stared into space sadly.

I got closer to him and held him close to me,"I know your girlfriend might get angry because I am hugging you but I'm sorry, I had to," I frowned and pulled away, I needed some type of comfort as I was getting it from no one except him right now.

"We actually broke up" he said quietly and hugged her back. "She got bored of me, said I was a waste of space, so she dumped me" he shrugged

I stood in front of him, in between his legs and held him close to me. "Do you have anyone else you want? Maybe I can try and help you, I can be like your wingman," I giggled and looked down at him.

He smiled down at her and chuckled. "There's someone in mind" he shrugged and smiled down at her. He was talking about her but she didn't know.

"Ooooo who is it!" I squealed and looked at him. I heard the coach blow the whistle and sighed,"Tell me after class," I giggled and ran off to join the circle around the coach,

He chuckled and shook his head to himself. "I'm not telling just yet" he mumbled

My mouth fell open as the coach was assigning partners and I was with Jungkook. I was tripped by one of the other girls and stumbled a bit, falling into his chest but backing away quickly,"Sorry please don't hit me," I said quickly and looked down at the ground.

He sighed and glared at the other girl. "Can you just stop please" he said to the other girl as she had tried to get his attention the whole week. "Come on then" he said to her as they were partners

I followed quickly behind him and made sure I didn't say anything so that he wouldn't get angry. "S-So what a-are we h-having to d-do?" I stuttered as I was scared to be close to him.

He shrugged and just stood there. He didn't tend to bully people when he was alone so he didn't bother. He actually kinda liked how she didn't try to jump on him any chance she would get like the other girls

He shrugged and just stood there. He didn't tend to bully people when he was alone so he didn't bother. He actually kinda liked how she didn't try to jump on him any chance she would get like the other girls

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