The Bully |Part 8|

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"How do you I need some where to stay? And why should you even care?"I snapped and was about to get up. 

"I care because I have my reasons but you should also care, it's not like you have any where else to go," he sighed. 

"Fine you're right but if you touch me or hurt me again, I will call the cops."

He nodded and motioned for her to follow as he started walking. 

I followed him, scared he he was going to hurt me but I had to take what I could get. I had no one and no where to go. 

We soon arrived to his house and I was nervous to go inside. He opened the door for me and I bowed, going inside and wondering what I should do. 

"Don't be so fucking awkward and sit down, be normal," he rolled his eyes and sat down. 

I went to the couch and sat beside him, putting my bag down and looking at him.

He looked at her and scooted closer,"Do you know why I asked you to stay?"

I thought for a second, thinking he just felt bad but I shook my head, not actually knowing what he wanted. 

He looked at her and hovered over her, making her lay down as he was there. 

I looked up at him nervously and rested my hands on his chest to try and push him off. 

"I just want to love you."

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