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I was there. I was there as I watched him bash their skulls in with the wrapped-up bat. I was there with Negan humiliated all of them, humiliated Rick. I was there, but I didn't watch. I couldn't watch, I don't have the stomach for torture. Negan doesn't even know my name. Neegan doesn't speak to me and I don't speak to him. That's the way I like it.

My job in the compound is in the kitchen. I peel fucking potatoes and deal with food inventory. People bring me the food they find out there and I count in and write it in a book. My job stinks. Half of the food they bring in is either rotten or on the verge of being rotten. The cans are great; I like to take the peaches. The woman who checks on me, makes sure I'm doing everything correctly says that I can have the peaches as payment, which is great because Negan's point system is pretty much nothing. Pretty much once in a blue moon I get a can of delicious peaches. Commissary is a little pricey.

I watch as Negan walks past the Kitchen doors, just finished collecting from the people of the skull bashing. The people returning with him following, but then I see one of the men from the night the red head and the Asian got their beating. I stand there in the doorway of the Inventory and watch as the pass by. The man looks my way and all I see is a man so broken, that a tear falls from his eye. His hair long, straggly, greasy, desperate for a shower. I knew that they were keeping someone new in the Punishment Hallway, but I didn't think it would be this man. I didn't notice them bring someone back from that night, I just keep myself very far away from the Big Man. The guy was covered in dirt, days old blood and fresh blood, most likely from this morning. The shirt with the yellow 'A' sprayed painted on it, I don't know the meaning yet, but I think it's an initiation or something. Most of the new people wear it, they're treated like the dirt on the man's face. But, this man, following Negan like a broken lost puppy. I turn to continue my duties, then I hear nothing more coming from the Kitchen, but, I continue my duties.

"You, girl." I jump at Negan's voice; I hold my hand over my heart and stare at him in terror. "Bring Daryl some fucking peanuts and piece of bread. Got it? He's in A-3."

I nod, and I watch him leave. He spoke to me, holding his bat over his shoulder in the doorway. I think I peed a little. I grab a small expired bag of peanuts and spread some homemade jam on a piece of bread that was made two days ago. I grab a bottle water and make my way to the Punishment Ward.

The hallway itself is dirty, with gun shots all around it. There are spray paint markings of profanities and graffiti. I walk up not knowing if I should knock or just walk in. I stand there awkwardly before giving the warning that I was entering. I unlatch and push the door open, seeing Daryl sitting in the corner arms crossed on his knees, he didn't even look up to see who entered his space. I am entering with no way to protect myself, this man could break out of this broken trance at any moment and he could easily kill me. But, I don't feel scared. I kneel beside him and hold out the food to him. He still doesn't move.

"Daryl?" I ask him. He flinches. "Daryl, I'm not here to hurt you, obviously. Please, you need to eat something, it's been four days."

He looks up into my eyes and my heart breaks for this man. I see the demons in his eyes, they run wild. The dirt kind of hides the bruises under his eyes and his busted lip. I hold out the food once more and he just stares at me.

"You need to eat." I place the peanuts on the ground beside his foot and place the bread on in so it doesn't get dirty. I get up to leave, but I stop before opening the door. "Please, eat."

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