T w e l v e

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Outside the Oceanside camp, Daryl, Rick, Michonne and I find spots to scout the camp.

"This one," Rick pats the bark of the tree while looking over to me, "You'll be in this one."

I nod, my stomach falling an inch at the height of the tree. I sigh, coming face to trunk with the tree. I reach up, the first branch just out of reach. Daryl sees this is and twines his finger together to boost me up. I climb up with my bow and M16 on my back. At first I struggled, almost slipping against the wood, scratching my cheek against the bark, I hiss. Daryl pushes on my foot and I swing my leg up and over the first branch. I hug the trunk and look down.

"You'll be fine. Keep going." Daryl reassures me. I glare at him, but nod.

I continue to climb till I'm at a good height to see the whole camp. I bring my leg over and sit, having both feet on branches opposite of each other.

"Just wait for the signal. Okay?" I look down to Daryl and quickly regret it. The signal that Tara supposed to make for the bombs not to be detonated.

"Kay, I'm good." And I watch him join the others.

I pull my bow in front of me balancing it on my legs and the branch and the branch between them, then bring the M16 to use the scope. I scout the camp, catching Tara sneaking into one of the buildings. I wait keeping an eye on the building she entered, I hear Michonne whistle and look behind me and see her a couple of yards away on the opposite side of the gate opening.

The first explosive detonated and I throw the gun behind my back and pull my bow up, getting ready to pull back the tight string. More explosions occur and the gate opens with women and children running out, screaming in fear. They pass my tree and I turn with my bow. Michonne fires shots inside the camp.

Oceanside is then stop by Rick and the rest of the group. That's when I see Tara with a gun to her head. I get nervous and aim my bow to the older woman threatening Tara's life.

"Rick! Walkers!" I hear Michonne yell. And I look down to see one passing my tree.

I look around and see more coming for the group. I hear them open fire and I pull back a shoot, hitting one I aim to the next one. I pull out another arrow and kill one in front of Carl. I reach back a feel around for another arrow, not feeling any I look down to see the rest of my arrows on the ground. I groan and pull the M16 up aiming to the walker coming towards Daryl's left. Taking it down Daryl looks at it then to me through the scope I notice two more toward him and motion him to look back. Shooting one, the kick back being more powerful than I anticipated the second time around, it to be pushes me back almost falling to the ground. With my heart racing from the adrenaline I steady myself, being more prepared for the next I continue to shoot.

When it over I begin to climb down, seeing Daryl running towards me to help.

Climbing on the back of the motorcycle we head home, the cold air of the evening hitting my face. Knowing we have gotten the guns feels like a victory it's self.

When we pull up to the gates of Alexandra the gates open with Rosita pushing them. Driving past her, looking like she'd been crying for hours.

"Hey, you alright?" Enid asks.

"Where's Sasha?" Jesus then asks.

"There's someone here." She says and we follow her.

We are lead to a house basement, and I door much like a jail cell. Looking inside I see Dwight look up to the door being opened, he stands. I look back a Daryl who face turns with pure anger and he lunges towards him pushing me back and others grabbing on to him.

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