T w e n t y T w o

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The light shines on my face as I wake up from my sleep. Turning my head I see Chase sitting in the chair where I sat for him.

"Well, good morning sunshine! Looks like you got yourself into a bit of a pickle." He grins at me.

"Shut up." I pinch my eyebrows together, feeling the splitting headache I had before I passed out.

"That's not nice, now you know how I feel."

I try to pull myself up but fail, whining to the pressure in my lower spine.

"Woah, you need to be still," Ashley rushes over to the bed, "that bullet is still pressing on your spinal cord, movement will do more damage. Someone cauterized the wound before you came in."

"Okay, how long have I been out for?" I look between the two.

"You've been out for almost two days." Chase replies.

I was shocked to the point where I could easily combust. Two days. I didn't feel anything while out, didn't see anything. I didn't dream. It's was complete darkness, no light until my eyes were burned by the sunlight when I opened them, but when I didn't see a face who's I have begun to crave I was becoming sad.

"Where's the others?" I close my eyes not wanting but needing the answer.

"You came back with a woman, Carol. She left as soon as she gave me details of your condition." Ashley sits down by my legs, and when I try to move them my heart falls.

"You need to remove the bullet." I bluntly say, "I can't wait for it to get better when it will never get better. You have to remove it today."

"I don't have the proper medicine to aide you, we don't have an anesthetic to help. You could die just from the pain, Shay."

Afraid to look at my brothers face, "I can't just not! I need to help them fight! I don't want to die in a bed, either on my own or by someone else because I was helpless! I can't have that! Take the bullet out!"

"I'll prepare for it, I'll do it this evening." Ashley rushes and begins to gather supplies.

"You can wait for him."

I look at my brother and glare at him, "what does he have to do with what's happening now! I can't move my legs, Chase! Negan can literally roll over the front gate at any moment! I need my legs so I can fight!"

He just nodded and got up from his chair to help Ashley with whatever she needs.

"I want at least Rick to be here." I say after they flipped me over onto an operating table.

"I'll grab him, he's just outside." Chase steps outside for a sec and returns with Rick.

I listen to the cowboy boots hit the hardwood floor and he parks himself in the chair next to the head of the table. I look up to his face and reach for his hand. Taking it I squeeze his hand.

"Shay, you can do this!" He says, and places a gentle kiss on the top of my hand.

I nod smiling weakly, flipping my head to face Chase who has taken a hold of my other hand.

"I have everything ready." I hear Ashley say behind me.

"Okay." My weak voice is barely heard.

I feel one of her hands touch the middle of my back, the anticipation for her to cut into my skin and work on taking the bullet out, my heart go into a frenzy. Death is not a curse. But, nowadays it is. If you die, you haunt the earth forever unless someone puts you into the ground with a bullet to you head or a swift hit. I hope to make it through this. I don't want to roam the earth or deteriorate in the ground, while my new family fights for their lives.

"STOP!" I yell when I feel the knife tip touch my skin, I look up at Chase. Tears flowing across my cheeks, "I'm scared."

"I know you can do this," he leans in, "you're the strongest person I know!"

I nod, "Okay," I repeat for her to begin.

I abrupt with screams, as the knife slices my skin. The pain being worst than being shot. The now tender muscles making the pain worst than it was before! My grip tightens on Rick and Chases hands as Ashley fishes for the bullet. My lungs keep up with the pain, throat becoming itchy from all the screaming. Minutes that feels like hours later a numbing feeling comes over where she works, and my vocals become a low hum.

"Just a little bit longer, Shay, you're doing great!" I hear Ashley say, between hums.

Stars begin to form at the edge of my vision. I'm going to pass out, it's enviable.

"Ashley, she's passing out." Chase says.

"Got it! Now we just have to stitch her up, keep her awake if you can."

Chases other hand comes up to my cheek and my eyes don't leave his, "Stay with me. Okay?" Struggling to keep my eyes open, "Shay. You have to keep your eyes open." I open them slowly, only to have them close again.

A pinprick stabs in the tender flesh as Ashley sows my open wound closed, I squeeze both my hand to let them know I can still feel, that I am still awake.

That last steps are now complete and I'm patched up. I keep my hands gripped around the guys hands till I'm ready to let go. Minutes pass by before I do eventually let go. I turn my head and look over the Rick.

"Thank you," I say weakly.

"Anything for you Shay," he rubs a hand on my hair, "do you want anything from you house?"

"The couch blanket and the book on the table." I weakly smile, as he's get up.

"Anything else you need Ashley?" Rick asks.

"I need help to move her to the bed, flipping her is going to be a challenge. Chase and I had troubles." He nods.

Now, on my back I lay almost flat on the mattress, the only thing I feel is the pressure from my swollen muscles.

"I'll go grab you your things." Rick says as leaves the house.

A/n: I've written five chapters this week. It's like I get on a writing high and when the high goes away, I'm on a block.

Briena x.

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