F o u r

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A/N: This week was hectic! I couldn't write for four days because of work and there is a new addition to my house. My beautiful baby sister was born Thursday March 30th at 5:48am. She's is 9lbs and healthy! My step-mom is the strongest, bravest woman I have in my life! I had the opportunity to watch her give birth, start to finish and it was something I will never forget! She had her at home, all natural! Thank you for reading! It means so much to me. If you want, let me know if you like it! -Briena x.

The walkers lift off of me and I'm pulled up off the ground. I'm met with a man with ocean blue eyes and his long hair under a knitted hat. Close behind him I notice Daryl.

"Are you okay?" The man with the eyes asks.

I turn to pick up my knife and beanie from the ground, "I'm fine." More attitude than gratitude comes out when I say this. "I have to go find my brother."

"Shay!?" I hear Chase running out the back door. He examines me, frantically looking for marks.

"Like I said to this guy, I'm fine. Can we go?" I pull my now dirty beanie onto my head and adjust my bow by my side. I begin to walk pass both the guy with the eyes and Daryl.

"Woah, hold up!" I can hear the three of there foot steps behind me. I stop and turn. "My name is Jesus, and I just saved your life."

"Yes, thank you." I nod, the attitude continuing.

My attitude doesn't diminish and it's mostly towards myself, not being able to take the walkers myself. I've taken twice as many down and I couldn't take on the two just then, being kept two months behind the wall of the sanctuary has made me a little weak. I'm kind of annoyed that this stranger saved me when Daryl could have, like how I did for him back at the sanctuary, by stopping Chase. I mean he owes me one.

"Where are you guys headed? 'Cause if you're not going anywhere we could always use more people where I'm from." Jesus then stops and turns to look at Daryl. "You can join us."

Daryl stands there, looking like he just fought a war. Lips in a thin line, his eyes tired with puffy dark circles under them. Still desperate for that shower. The plaid shirt looking off on him.

"Is it safe?" Chase steps in and asks.

"Safer than being watched by Negan twenty-four seven." I notice Daryl take a step back when Jesus mentions Negans name.


"What happens if we do go with you?" I interrupt Chases sentence.

"You'll just have to figure that out for yourself." Jesus shrugs, smiling.

Looking at Chase I see concern in his eyes. I nod, "We might as well. We'll have to find a vehicle that works, cause I'm tired of walking."

"What is this place?" I ask from the backseat of the car.

"This is The Hilltop. You will want to meet with Maggie as soon as we are in there." Jesus states from the drivers seat, following Daryl on a motorcycle.

The doors open to what looks like an actual sanctuary, with greenery and the three story building not touched from what's outside the walls. It's breathtaking and refreshing to see a well kept place. There are children running around, playing. Not to mention the farm animals.

Stand By Me (Daryl Dixon)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن