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I stare at the closed gate and wonder will they be back? Usually when people say that they don't return. It's happened many times to me and my brother in the past. It's upsetting when someone promises something and then breaks said promise, or something happens to them in the process. It hurts.

I break from my gaze and look around. Well, this will be my home for a while, might as well take myself on a tour. As I pass the first building I'm met with a green space, tall trees and gardens and a lot of people. I see a gazebo with a person swinging a stick, he's being instructed by an older man. By the gazebo there are children sitting a tables scribbling on paper. This place is teaching these children about Maths and English. I was so close to finishing my second year of college when this bullshit happened to the world. I wanted to be a teacher so I could educate the future.

Passing this green space I see a man with a homemade bow, he's practicing his shot.

"Hi, do you mind if I join you?" I ask, swinging my compound bow in front of me. He nods and I positioned myself a couple of targets down from him.

The guy is the one who came riding on horse back. He's much older than me, if I were to guess he'd be in his mid-forties. He's wearing some sort of armour, plastic looking armour.

I ready myself, bring my bow up and pulling the tight string back. The feeling in my stomach flips with joy, I haven't raised my bow in so long. Closing my eyes, I inhale. Holding it for a bit. I then open my eyes and release the tension. I still got it. I notice that it's smack in the middle of the target, where I wanted it. I smile with confidence.

"That was amazing." The man says. "Where'd you learn to shoot like that?"

"Oh, my dad." I go up to the target and pull the arrow out. Looking over the the man I notice Daryl walking up to us.

"I'm practicing. Gonna have to start using these more. The Saviours are smart enough to know I shouldn't have a gun around them." I watch him pick up the cross bow on the table and hand it to Daryl. "Morgan said you were a bowman."

"Why?" I hear Daryl say. "'Cause we want the same thing?"

"I need your help."

I scoff and raise my bow up and shoot at the middle of the target, only this time I don't hit the middle of the target. With disappointment growing in me, I go up to the target and yank the arrow out. I look over to them walking away.

I run and grab onto Daryl's wrist, "Daryl, Are you going to help him?" My hand is ripped from his wrist with his quick motion, making me flinch in response. There was a worried look in his eyes for a second. "He said that he needed help, not the they all need help. I think he's going to do something stupid. I know we just got here and we don't know anyone here, but what he said bugs me."

"I gotta see what he wants." He says.

"You don't have to go, is all I'm saying."

"Why do you even care, little girl? Why'd you even come here?" He steps closer, waiting for my answer; because of you. "Ya don't know me, yet here ya are acting like you do!"

"I just- I don't know." I stutter and look down to his dirty boots.

"Just stay out of my way!"

Stand By Me (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now