The Healer (Tauriel)

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Sigrid's is a disease that can be healed but only by an elven healer, experienced in the like.

"In fact I know of one who stayed to heal the sick and wounded after the war." I add to brighten Sigrid and Bard's hopeful glances. What's worse is walking through the dead folk and wishing I could have saved them.

We walk in on Maven; the first male elf healer sorting through some herbs. He turns too quickly and bumps gracefully into a wrack of drying condiments.

"Ah, Tauriel" He smiled "I never thought I'd see you again." I bow my head respectfully.

"Maven" I say his name with utter respect, as his position calls for it "We need you to heal a human of the mind-sickness." The elves had decided not to name the sickness for that would mean we were accepting it as inevitable, for some. Maven's cheerful grin was replaced by a grimace.

"And how do you think she might have acquired the disease?" He asks, a stone cold expression decorating the pale planes of his face. Sigrid was getting impatient and the sickness would make her a tad bratty. Even now she rolled her eyes.

"Patience is the companion of wisdom, young one." Sigrid stares at him for a second and leans her head back so she can roll her eyes without us noticing. I know this trick, I used it many times on Thranduil myself.

"We don't know..." Although humans can sometimes catch it from the saliva of Orcs "It might have been an Orc." Maven nods, this is the most likely of the contenders.

"Can you look at her to see if it can be treated." Bard asks, once again Maven nods.

"All right," Maven is going to call in a female apprentice, better for looking over girls and women "Renalie! Come." A young red haired she-elf enters. 

Renalie speaks calming words to Sigrid as Bard and Maven leave, after they are gone she loosens Sigrid's bodice and begins to look her over. Every few moments Renalie would catch Sigrid's eye and then drop it.

"Why must you do that?" Sigrid asks annoyed. Renalie tied up Sigrid's clothes and stood up once more catching Sigrid's eye. I shift, slightly uncomfortable.

"Do what?" Renalie asks undeterred, checking Sigrid's wrist.

"Look at me that way." Sigrid said matter of factually. Renalie motioned for me to follow her to the corner and I did. 

"Maven can heal her, but I have another place to be." She pauses, but I already know the sort of question she's about to ask "Could you help?" I nod, once again another thing to keep my mind from him. Maven and Bard enter, chatting like old friends.

"What stage is it?" Maven asks, serious once more.

"Maven, it is stage 2." Renalie responds. Bard turns to Maven.

"Does that mean it can be treated?" He asks hopeful as ever. Maven smiles at him brightly...

"Yes, my friend." He says through a smile as bright as daylight "Bring her back next moon and I'll see what I can do." Renalie leans in and points at me, she's saying something to him.

"Thank you, Tauriel." Maven adds after Renalie is finished "Thank you."

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