The Good Bye Feast (Kili)

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"How long till we get there?" asked Bofur as we walk the long high walkway.

"I don't know but we should be there in about a month." I respond. Bofur sighs and his eyes fall half closed. 

"Are you getting tired, Bofur?" I ask, I have to think about everybody and not just Tauriel.  I already know Bofur is tired but he would never say yes.

"No, lad" Bofur smiles, trying not to yawn. 

"We'll eat for the hour and rest up." I slap Bofur on the back. 

"Good, and after?" Bofur asks.

"By sunrise we'll be gone, and we'll leave Legolas behind."

"But why?!" Bofur actually sounds confused.

"Because, he's looking for every reason to turn on me!" I look around to make sure no one's watch and pull Bofur in "And I reckon he already has reason enough." Bofur grimaces. We see a twinkling light ahead through the thick of branches. We walk towards it to find a party of feasting elves, Thranduil in their midst.

"Come, eat!" Thranduil is caught up in the party, happier then I've ever seen him. There's all kinds of food, lettuce, turkey, fruit, and a variety of ales and wines. We eat ourselves silly ad after the hour, we all retire to our chambers.

Our plan has been set in motion.

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