The Kingdom Come (Thranduil)

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I'm shocked into submission, the healer, Shay watches me carefully. She looks skeptical to say the least. As if she doesn't believe my honor. I almost never lie... most of the time.

"You're meaning to tell me, that you had no idea Everin had just given birth to your first daughter, a few months after Tauriel became 'close' with you and your son?" I shake my head, the girl Elródien* she was called, sits patiently in the next room swinging her legs. She's only 190 a youthful young thing. She's got bright blue eyes and white blonde hair. The healer gestures for her to enter.

"My lord." Elródien  bows "Why have you come?" I look at Shay expecting her to explain but she simply smiles and escorts herself out. I frown, I will cite her, maybe put her food portions on hold for a day. 

"Elródien, did you know that your mother and I were very close?" She shakes her head and I can only imagine what an earthquake the next tidbit of news will be. "Well, after Tauriel and Legolas began to play together I began to spend a lot of time with Everin..."

"Thranduil!" she calls dark blonde hair streaming almost to the ground behind her "Tauriel is getting to be too fast for me." She laughs. I know she is lying, she only speaks of this because Tauriel is nearby listening. Everin reaches out and touches my arm lovingly. We have come to hidden intimate examples of love while the Legolas and Tauriel play.

"Everin." She doesn't know about her husband's death yet, or the inferno of pain. 

"What?" She smiles "I can't wait for Denholm to come home!" I raise a perfectly tweezed eyebrow at this, we've been carrying out an affair for almost a year and Denholm was due a week ago. But sunlight is streaming through the skylights and the home maple flourishes with leafs and berries, not today.

"And you were born two weeks before her suicide." I finish my story on a sour note, I miss Tauriel and although I would never admit it out loud: I miss Legolas too. Maybe it will be fun raising Elródien.

*Elródien's name is pronounced El-Road-He-On

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