Chapter 4 - Dark Temptations

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Hey guys! I just looked at the statistics for the book for the first time this morning! Either everything stayed the same or it dropped a little. I can't see the age/gender demographic yet and I'm going to report that to Wattpad as well as the Completed Reads by Part. I'll post an update when that gets fixed. The only section that has gone down is comments by part. I am BEGGING you guys please comment! It is very useful to me and it shows me what I can do to keep YOU more entertained. Without further ado...Enjoy!

Ezra's P.O.V.

I need help. My first mission is tomorrow and I won't have Kanan to help me this time. I'm all on my own. Master Yoda was of little to no help.  What time is it, 16:00 hours! Sabine should be back by now. I can ask her what I should do, but I can't let anyone know about the Sith holocron. Maybe it's best I keep this to myself. After all, I shouldn't bug her with all of our relationship drama going on. I need to let her know I don't have the time today.

I jumped from my bunk down to the floor, my knees bent and then I leveled myself again. Even though I could use my hands to push the button, I used the force. Sabine had just been walking to her room and she gestured for me to follow behind. The door automatically shut behind me and I began to look for Sabine who had mysteriously disappeared. Suddenly, I was gripped from behind and pulled into a brief yet passionate kiss. She began to seduce me onto her bed assuming the bottom position and handing me the top. We kept moving rapidly and gradually taking on more speed, no. No, this isn't happening.

"Sab-", I tried to say when I had a moment to breath but she brought me back in.

"Sabine! Stop, please!", she looked at me with that sad frown that made me die inside every time I saw it.

"I can't do this Sabine. It's against the Jedi Code, there is no passion, there is serenity. Imagine if Kanan found out, he had to LIVE by that code.", I said, keeping myself from bursting into tears. I finally had what I always wanted but now I realized the fault in having a relationship. There are tethers keeping me pulled towards the light, a relationship, an attachment would be the scissors cutting those tethers.

"It's ok Ezra, I'll wait for you, for as long as it takes, no matter what.", she replied. I gave her an upset but subtle nod, and left her room.

I saw Zeb walk by as he said, "Hey Ezra, how ya doin?", and I shook my head at him. He knew that I needed some privacy and he turned the other way. I went towards the wall when I entered and banged my head. I then heard a strange whistle and I saw a faint read light behind me. It was coming from the drawer where I hid the holocron. At this point, with my big mission coming tomorrow, what the heck? One time can't hurt.

But before I knew it, one time would not be the last time I used it, and I would soon regret it.

Kanan's P.O.V.

I woke up in seemingly the same place I fell. My bandage was no longer protecting my eyes, and as I sat in the silence I became afraid. I heard something rising from the ground. Was this a problem, is this coral constantly shifting? The planet, was it strong with the living force?

"No, it is just I. For I am the Bendu, a being of the force, someone who favors nor the light or the dark. I am a legend of old, a Gray Jedi."

And there is the Bendu! All I have to cover is Kanan's encounter which will lead him to the trials of becoming a Jedi Master, through facing trials of being blind. I then have a couple of missions the crew will go on before their attack to reclaim Lothal, that is pretty much the set-up for the first part of the book, here is the basic layout(No details! :)  )

1.Beginning/Origin/Set-Up For Book

2.Middle/Action/Main Conflict

3.End/End of Action/Conflict Resolved

So tell me what you thought in the comments, next chapter to be released on Thursday! Please comment guys, tell me what YOU want for the story going forwards. Shoutout again to VmCdReAmEr for being the ONLY one to comment. If you comment I will follow you and look at your accounts to read your books, and you'll get a shout out in future chapters to be discovered by other readers! I hope you enjoyed.

With much love to you all, the Lost Apprentice!!!

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