The Flight Home (Tyler X Reader)

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-Y/n's POV-

I boarded the plane to Columbus, Ohio at around 1:30 AM, putting my bags into the compartments above my head. I took my seat along with everyone else and pulled out my headphones. Scrolling through my music, I chose some super slutty song by Panic! At the Disco.

A guy with brown hair and a white muscle shirt sat down next to me quietly. He had tattoos all over his arms, which were pretty cool looking. I guess I was staring because he tapped on my shoulder. I took out my headphones and looked at them.

"Just take a picture already, God!" He joked, looking me in the eyes sweetly.

"Oh, sorry, they just look really cool," I replied, smiling back at him.

"I like your taste in music. Brendon is such a slut," He laughed, hearing my music blasting through my headphones. I usually blast my headphones on full volume all the time, just so I can't hear anything outside of the music.

"He is indeed, but we all still love him."

"Tyler," He said.

"Y/n," I replied.

"So what're you going to Ohio for?" Tyler asked, running a hand through his hair.

"Oh, just visiting some family members, that's all."

"That's nice," Tyler sighed and smiled. "I'm just here for business." A voice came over the loudspeaker telling us to get in our seats and prepare for takeoff. I gripped the seat tightly because I absolutely hate flying.

"Are you scared of flying?" Tyler asked, watching as I dug my fingers into the leather seats. I nodded, biting my lip. "Well, everything's gonna be fine. Just listen to your music and try to relax." I grabbed my headphones quickly and blasted my music before we were off the ground. We were in the air for an hour or so, and I took out my headphones and talked with Tyler for a while. It turns out he's quite the romantic type. He kept trying to flirt with me and hold my hand every now and then.

"Attention all passengers; since this is an all-adult passenger plane, we will be showing 'The Notebook' on the screen in the front." The flight attendant said on the loudspeaker. The lights were turned down a bit so the screen was more visible.

"This is actually one of my favorite movies," Tyler mumbled in my ear as the movie started.

"Mine too," I blushed, looking down at my faded and scuffed up shoes. The movie played for a while, so I decided to head into the bathroom at the back of the plane. I opened the door slowly and left it open and washed off my hands and face. Tyler opened the door slowly and quietly entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

"Tyler, what're you doing in here?" I asked, right before I was pushed against the wall with my arms pinned down on each side of my head. I gasped at the sudden movement, looking into Tyler's eyes.

"You're just too likable for me not to do something special with you," Tyler said, giving me an intense stare. He crashed his lips onto mine and wrapped his arm around my waist. He tilted his head every so often, trying to deepen the kiss.

I ran a hand through his hair and tried to work my tongue into his mouth, but Tyler was thinking the same thing. Our tongues battled for several moments until he had won. His tongue began to explore the inside of my mouth, with me moaning occasionally.

Tyler pulled away slowly, panting lightly and biting his lip.

"I-I'm sorry that was so sudden, I-" Tyler began, mumbling quietly in my ear.

"No, no. It's fine, really," I cut him off, breathing heavily. "You're an awesome guy, considering we only met a few hours ago." I kissed him on the cheek gently.

"We should really head back out," Tyler headed toward the bathroom door and started to head back out to his seat. I followed behind him and sat down next to him. We watched the rest of the movie along with the rest of the people, sitting in an awkward silence and trying to act like nothing had happened.

I slowly began to fall asleep, resting my head on Tyler's shoulder. I feel like I remember him from somewhere, but I don't know where. His voice sounds like someone's I heard on the radio and on interviews and things like that. Yeah, he sounds familiar. It's stressing me out that I can't figure out where I know him from.


Stressed Out.

Oh my god.

I just made out with Tyler fucking Joseph.

A smile grows on my face as I realize what occurred in an airplane bathroom.

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