Middle School (Josh X Reader)

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Okay, so this takes place in middle school so you'll see a lot of childish insults that I used to hear.

-Y/n's POV-

I sat at my lunch table alone like usual and drew in my notebook. I usually sit alone, but I felt lonelier now that my friends were making new friends and forgetting about me.

My eyes kept wandering off to another boy sitting alone on the other side of the cafeteria. He had light pink hair and had black fingernails and was tapping on the table like it was a drum. I often hear people in the halls call him a fag, probably because of his hair.

I bent over to tie my shoes, and when I sat back up, my notebook was gone. I looked around quickly to try and find where it was. I looked over to the popular kid's table and saw their eyes all staring at me and laughing. I stood up and ran over to their table, knowing they had my notebook.

"Give it back!" I screamed, trying to claw it out of a girl's arms.

"No, you bitch. This shit's gold," She laughed, flipping to a random page and showing everyone at the table. "Look at this! Oh my god!" I tried to shove some of the girls down, but they didn't move. One of the girls shoved me back and knocked me onto the floor, into a puddle of a spilled milk carton. I tried to get up but fell right back down. A bunch of boys just sat there and laughed at me while I attempted to stand.

The pink haired boy stood up and walked over to the table and ripped the notebook out of their hands. He then helped me up and handed me my notebook.

"Guys, it's the faggot!" A boy screeched, pushing the pink haired boy backward, but he didn't fall down. The boy looked relatively strong, but he was shorter than most of the boys at our school.

"Bryan, fuck off," He said calmly, shoving him back.

"Josh, nobody cares. Especially about you, with your gay ass hair and your black fingernails, nobody thinks you're cool, you pussy. Do us a favor and kill yourself before you ruin anything else," Bryan growled and shoved him again.

"Leave him alone, Bryan," I say, holding my notebook close to my chest.

"Really, Y/n? What're you gonna do, fight him? Please, you whore." A girl shouts. The other girls laugh and twirl their hair, trying to impress the douchy boys.

"You might wanna get out of here," Josh mumbles and looks at me. I nod and run into the hallway quickly and watched from behind the window in the door. I see Bryan throw a punch at Josh and hits him in the stomach. Josh gets up quickly and punches him right back and kicks him to the ground.

"Kick the faggot's ass, Bry-Bry!" I hear someone shriek. "It'll be easy!" Josh punches Bryan in the face, making his nose bleed. Bryan picks Josh up from behind tries to strangle him. He says something and two other boys pick him up and drag him down the hallway on the opposite side of the cafeteria.

I burst through the door and run to Josh and the other boys. As soon as I see the boys, I notice they're shoving Josh into an empty locker and putting a lock on the door. I rush over as they begin to walk away, laughing.

"Let me out, you bastard!" Josh screams, pounding from the inside of the locker.

"Josh! I'm here." I scramble to try and unlock it, but no use.

"Who's that?" He stutters, slowly stopping his pounding.

"It's me, Y/n. You gave me my notebook," I say, looking down the hallway.

"Are there any teachers out there?"

"No, but I can find one or something to cut the lock with."

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