Middle School [Part 2] (Josh X Reader)

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-Y/n's POV-

Josh and I have been spending a lot more time together lately since he got his schedule changed so that we'd have some classes together. Thankfully, he's not with any of those other guys.

"Hey Y/n," Josh called down the hall.

"Oh, hi Joshie," I said as he ran up behind me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Any plans after school? We should get rid of that pink color in your hair."

"Yeah, let's take care of that. I have some money on me for the dye, we'll just need to head to the store first."

I nodded in reply as the early bell rang. "Well, see you in art!" I called as he turned around and jogged down the middle of the hallway.


Science was the most boring class. I already know everything she teaches us and always makes me sit next to the douchebags that copy off my work. She always says that I can "Teach Them A Thing or Two", even though she gets paid to do what she does, and I don't. I swear I could teach this entire school year's worth of learning into one week.

Art is my absolute FAVORITE class, and it gives me something to look forward to after science. Josh is in my class too, which makes it so much more fun. Josh and I usually sit far in the back and make jokes with each other and just hang out while we draw each other. Josh isn't the best artist, but I help him when we're assigned work.

I was lost in my revelations of existence when the bell abruptly snapped me back to reality. I grabbed my books and began to walk out the classroom door at a brisk pace, excited to see Josh.

"Y/n, can I talk to you for a moment?" The teacher asked. I stopped begrudgingly and trudged my way back into the classroom. "I've been noticing that you've been doing your own thing in class lately, but you're getting all A's on your assignments and tests. Are you-" She paused and looked uncertain. "Wanting to move up to the advanced placement? The teacher's very nice, or at least I've heard. I think you'd benefit from that class indefinitely."

"I'd like to," I said as she handed me a packet while I walked out the door. I ran down the hall, dodging the other kids in the grade above mine that could easily break my fragile little arm.


I walked into the art room quickly, looking for Josh. He was in his usual seat, in the way back.

"Hey, Y/n!" Josh called, beckoning me to the seat next to his.

"Hey Josh," I said as I dropped my stuff down on the floor. "Any math homework?"

He had math first hour, which was excruciatingly painful to imagine. First hour is the longest by about ten or so minutes compared to the other class periods.

"No, Mr. Ross is actually being nice today."

"That's good to hear, you think he got laid last night?"

"Probably," Josh laughed. "He hasn't had sex in eight years. His wife is finally being good to him."

"Y'know, he probably does have sex often, but not with his wife," I said.

"So, you're basically saying he gets hookers?"

"Exactly," I nodded as the bell rang and the teacher walked in. Her heels were clicking loudly on the tiled floor. She was the sluttiest teacher in the whole school, despite the fact that she's in her mid-fifties. She wore black stilettos, fishnet tights, a short black skirt, and a tight red blouse with a black belt around her waist. The teacher isn't exactly the thinnest, either.

"Hello everyone," Ms. Dickens announced as she pursed her bright red lips. "Today we'll be working on our partner drawings. Get your partners, sketchbooks, and pencils."

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