Jealous (Josh X Reader)

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A/N: This was brought to you by the inspiration of @FUCK_ME_JOSH_DUN (Yeah the username is amazing) And I'm writing this at 2 AM so my mind turns hot n' steamy between the hours of 1-4 AM so I'm in the zone

-Josh's POV-

It's a normal Saturday night, Y/n was out of the house, probably with some of her friends. I'm hanging out in our house and texting Tyler, like always. Y/n's always telling me about how she wants to be in a relationship with somebody, but she doesn't realize that I'm looking for someone, too. More specifically, her.

She's been my roommate for a good year and a half now, and I've only begun to notice certain qualities, so to say, about her a few months ago. The way she walks, her cute little smile, and her amazing body.


"Josh, I'm back!" Y/n called from the doorway. She was with somebody, another guy. A wave of jealousy came over me, and I bet you can understand why.

"Hey, Y/n," I said as I stood up from where I was sitting on the couch. "Who's this?"

"This is Brendon," She says. He smirks and nods hello while he runs a hand through his hair. He's real tall, but a good half of his face is entirely forehead. I'm exaggerating a bit, but he doesn't look like the most caring guy. I just want what's best for Y/n. And I can give that to her.

"Hey Brendon, can I talk to you for a second?" I ask.

"Yeah, of course," He says as I pull him aside into the hallway.

"Are you and her, like a thing?" I asked.

"Why do you wanna know? It's not your job to keep an eye on her." He stares me dead in the eyes.

"She's real close to me, alright? If you hurt her or fuck up, I'll end you. Alright?"

"Jesus Christ, man, chill. You're just jealous that Y/n's my girl now, aren't you?"

"What? N-no," I stutter. "Look, you'd better be treating her like she's the best thing that's ever happened to you."

"Whatever," He says and walks to the door.

"I should get going, Y/n," Brendon says, shooting me a dirty look. He then kisses Y/n on her forehead and steps out the doorway.

"Bye, Brendon!" Y/n says and closes the door behind him. "Isn't he great?" She asks and slides down to the ground with her back against the door.

"Oh, uh y-yeah," I say. "So, are you and him a thing?" I ask hesitantly as I walk into the kitchen and grab some water.

"I hope we will be eventually, he's really sweet," She says and follows after me. She then jumps up and sits on the counter, swinging her feet back and forth.

"I don't know about him, he doesn't seem like the best guy for you," I say and walk in front of her, putting my hands on each side of her. Our counters are shorter than most, so she's lower than I am while I'm standing in front of her.

"Oh really?" She asks and tugs at the collar of my shirt, pulling me closer to her. "Like who?"

"Well, for starters, nobody like him," I say as I lean in and kiss Y/n gently. She doesn't move away from me. Instead, she kisses me back and pulls me in closer. I pull away after a few moments and look into her eyes.

"D-did we just," She began.

"Y-yeah," I smirk.

"Nobody's ever kissed me like that," Y/n says and brushes my hair out of my face. "Not even Brendon." She barely finishes her sentence and kisses me again, this time, more passionate and heated. I pull her closer to me and she wraps a leg around my hips.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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