remembrance on new years

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Nanami has invited herself in once again, finding her after lunch conversing with Tohru in the kitchen as they seem ready to depart somewhere.

Nanami grips Tohru's shoulder's with a smile. "I've come to steal the princess~" she sings.

I cock my head. "What could you be up to now, you manipulative little four-eyed freak?"

"Hey! That's excessive today."

"If you're going to keep breaking into my house unexpectedly, I'm bound to vent a little. It's a fair trade," I retort.

Nanami shakes her head with a sigh, tying her hair back so she could put on the ear warming head wrap before heading out in the cold with Tohru. At the temple, it is not very busy and they give their thanks, admiring the small place of spiritual worship then head back down into town.

"Hatori?" Tohru calls out, bringing Nanami's attention to someone she recognized.

She freezes up, seeing him again. First was the cultural festival, so she was easily able to avoid him but now...

"Hatori-san, it is you!" she calls again, louder as she recognizes him. "I couldn't tell with that long hair! Happy New Years!"

"You too..." He looks a little taken aback, surprised by their presence.

"You look like Shigure-san, but it's handsome," Tohru admits.

"Well... with the beginning of the year and the end of the year, I've been so busy... now I think I should be cutting it..." Hatori looks dazed still. "Are you two out on your own?'

"We just went to pray at the temple. We're going to head home now," Tohru smiles.

"Ah... I did not know you and Yae-san were good friends," Hatori finally chose to acknowledge Nanami's presence. He was aware that she did not want it, but he couldn't help but be curious as to why she was so stiff and quiet.

"... Happy New Years..." Nanami manages to say, not wanting to make eye contact.

"You're one of Yuki's classmates, right? The vice representative in class?" he asks her.

She curtly nods.

"She's been going to school with Yuki and Kuroi all her life, so she knows them really well!" Tohru adds in, trying to ease the tension without really knowing it was there.

"Yes, I met her when she was younger, as one of Yuki's close friends. They used to hang around but had a falling out... but I suppose you two are friendly again?" Hatori inquires. He knows it seems hopeless to try and make small talk with a girl he knew he had to take memories from. From someone who knew that he could take memories, and couldn't even remember that he had already done it once on her.

But he doesn't know that it didn't work the first time around.

"Yeah... I remember that." Nanami averts her eyes from Hatori. "All of it, actually. I don't know if you know, but hypnosis does not work on me. I and Yuki didn't fall out, I couldn't visit anymore or hangout because he'd only get in more trouble. I hugged Yuki and ended up causing so many problems, but... there were so many good memories you had to take from the kids. That you couldn't take from me, but you tried. Yuki was my good friend, he was so kind and gentle. I couldn't understand why someone would try to take that. Especially you, a doctor and someone close enough to Yuki to know he'd be very sad. But you must be cold... cold as snow."

Tohru gasps at Nanami's words, putting a hand over her mouth. "Nanami..."

"I'll head home," Nanami says, beginning to head past the blank stricken Hatori towards home, only to slip on the ice gathering beneath a drain pipe. For the second time too. She was going to have to worry all winter now.

Hatori saves her in the nick of time, for her to stand surprised over a small... seahorse?? Instead of a dragon. Sea horses need water. This one had a coat.

It clicks in her mind. "Fresh water? Sea water? Sea horses... but he's part human... Just water! Any water!" She scurries around her backpack for her bento box and bottle of water, quickly emptying the box contents into a bag pocket, removing the divider and pouring the water in, putting Hatori in. Half submerged. She adds his coat on top so the water wouldn't evaporate or get cold and hurries off with Tohru.

They place him on a park bench, waiting in worry for him to transform... if he survived at all.

"Hatori-San is not a bad person at all, you know," Tohru says to Nanami. "It's not like he wishes to steal the memories of people, but it's because he think that how to keep everyone safe. And it's by the will of the emperor."

"If he is such a good person, why not go by the will of your heart, not by the will of the emperor. You know what's good, so why don't you do it?"

"He doesn't want to be selfish."

She pauses, looking up. "He's awake."

"It's cold," Hatori mutters.

"Well, you're wet and there's only this park bench." Nanami offers her scarf. "It's thick enough, you can dry yourself before you freeze. Your clothes are on the table, fresh and warm. I threw them in the dryer at the laundromat. I was very confused if you needed seawater or fresh water, not like there was much option for both but I'm glad you're alright."

Nanami looks off at a group of women passing by, their chit-chat about the wedding and the Sohma house. One woman looked so happy and excited, there was no guessing who was the to be bride. She turns back to Hatori. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I guess sometimes it's for the better... I can't blame you for what you think is right in the moment, it was long ago and I hope Yuki-san can be happy now... You as well."

She bows to Tohru and Hatori. "I'll head home now. Thank you for today."

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