Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Again!" Said Metis.

Athena groaned, it has been two months. Two months since her welcome feast, and she had still not mastered how to control water entirely. Surely she could control the rain in Olympus and raise ocean tides, but that wasn't the extent of her power, according to Metis.

"I'll give you time darling," Metis spoke up, as Athena sat down on a hill, overlooking the ocean. "Focus on what I told you, you can do this."

Athena looked to her mother intently and nodded. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Water is the element of metamorphosis. Water is essential to our existence. Let your emotions flow like water, deep and true. Tap into that energy and you will discover its capabilities and with it you will truly be metaphoric yourself.

Athena replayed the words of her mother when it came to use her element. Metis is an Oceanid, who many would call a simple water nymph, however; she was powerful when it came to harnessing the power of water. With her power and her wisdom, Metis was a Titan that many Olympians had respect and admiration for.

As Athena concentrated and tried to meditate, Persephone appeared next to Metis as her ethereal portal closed.

"How is she doing?" Persephone asked as she looked to Athena had stress line on her forehead due to concentration.

"She's nearly there, all she has to do is let go."

"What do you think is holding her back?" Persephone said.

"I don't know, I can't sense it."

Persephone gave a shocking look to Metis, "but how?"

"Her shield, its more than just a force field,  it serves her well for any mental attack."

"Do you not think maybe it's her shield then that's not making her progress?"

"Maybe..." Metis sighed, "but you're leaving to the underworld?"

Persephone smiles, "indeed I am, I can finally go home."

Metis smiles, but then an idea crosses her mind, "Persephone, do you think Athena can stay in the underworld with you and Hades?"

"Of course Metis, I want her to come with me, but I had imagined her to be past water by now."

"Like I mentioned, she's nearly there, and I think Hekate can help, don't you?"

Persephone's lips slowly turned into a bright smile, coming to the realization, "I know Hekate will be delighted to work with her, but you? You should be the one to finish her training off. Aidon told me to assist with fire and Earth."

"I don't mind, I've taught her everything, she's almost to the finish line and I believe Hekate can take her there, as well to assist you in helping her with the other elements."

Persephone was about to speak up, when she was interrupted. The ground started to shake beneath Metis and her, and for a moment she thought it was Hades coming for her, but she knew that couldn't be since she was always escorted by Hermes every time she leaves for the underworld. This minor quake was coming from Athena.

Both Metis and Persephone looked to Athena in admiration. She was still sitting down meditating. The energy radiating of her was powerful, the quake was slowly disappearing, and her hand was stretched out towards the ocean. Stress lines were still evident on her forehead.

Metis and Persephone looked at how Athena's hand was calling for the ocean to obey a mental command. Her fingers were dancing in the air as she beckoned the ocean still for a moment. Her hand curled up as her fingers each curled back into her hand. Slowly, the ocean tide rose at a high pace and Athena scrunched her eyes, and once again breathed in and out slowly to concentrate, the ocean tide was peaceful again. This time a single string of water from the ocean stretched out towards her hand. As the single string came forward, Athena slowly rose from the ground. In between her two hands, the single string of water became a sphere. With her hands, she manipulated the sphere around and then split it in two. Both spheres of water spiraled around her, until she sent them both back to ocean. Her arms and hands were still stretched toward the ocean, and as her palms rose, creating a colossal tidal wave. She split the wave in two, wanting them to spiral together upwards, but couldn't. The waves fell vigorously back into the ocean.

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