Of Long Hair, Skirts, and Fire Princes.

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"MARCO!" Star yelled at him from his bedside. Cracking an eye open he looked at the exuberant blonde.
"Yes, Star, what is it?" He asked yawning and sitting up. His brown bangs swooping in front of chocolate eyes.
"Come on you need to get up, it's the first day of school!" Marco chuckled and swung his legs over the edge of his bed.
"I am up, now get out so I can change." Star grinned and scampered out the door. Marco got to his feet and stripped out of his sleep shirt and opened the door of his closet. He changed into a black dress, red leggings, and black boots. He grabbed his hair brush and started to untangle his long chocolate hair. Star had spelled it long at his request two years ago. He brushed it up and secured it in a ponytail. The ends curled and his bangs tucked behind his ears causing  them to curl as well. He smiled at his reflection and grabbed his red hoodie and put it on. He exited his room and went down the stairs to see Star waiting for him. She gave him his backpack and she bouced on her toes as she waited impatiently for him to slip it on. He slipped it on and she grabbed his hand and yanked him out the door.
"What's up Star? You're never in this much of a hurry." Marco asked her as he got his legs under him instead of being dragged so he could keep pace with her.
"Tom is starting this year. His parents said it would round him out a bit more." Marco groaned in exasperation. That was all he needed, some demon chasing after Star all year. It was bad enough he had developed a crush on the pink haired demon. Not to mention the whole thing with the Blood Moon Ball. It wasn't just him and Star under that light, but also him and Tom. So not only were Star and his souls joined, but his and Tom's. Star's relationship with him was platonic, they had found that out early on, however the relationship between him and Tom had not been explored. They had reached the school and found a group of giggling girls surrounding Tom, ugh same old same old. Marco rolled his eyes and walked off to his first class, leaving Star to deal with her ex. Marco sat down in the first row and got out a red notebook with large black letters designating it as his math notebook and a red mechanical pencil then groaned as Tom and Jackie walked in the room. They were whispering about something and then laughed before looking at Marco and laughing again. Great, just great, they were making fun of him. Tom sat down behind Marco and Jackie beside him. This was turning out to be a long day. Janna came in and waved to Marco and walked over.
"Here's your choker back, thanks for letting me borrow it." She handed over a black leather choker with red gems imbeded with a single red ring in the middle that housed a single charm, a blood red crescent moon.
"Thanks! I've been missing this. I didn't think you were ever going to give it back." Marco joked and Janna smirked.
"No problem. Thanks again, although I don't think I will borrow it again, it was too weird seeing you without it." Marco laughed and took the choker back and buckled it around his neck. 
"Too true, I felt a little naked without it." Janna laughed and waved good bye as she walked to the exit.
"See ya, got to get to my class." The bell rang as soon as she exited.
Marco touched the choker lightly, he had missed this so much. It had been a sixteenth birthday present from Star. It what started the change in him, the shifting that had begun under his skin when he danced under the blood moon finally started to calm. It was then he started trying on girl's clothes, grew his hair out and started to take ballet and other dance classes along with his karate. He felt more in tune with himself than ever but now that Tom was back his skin was jumping, and crawling. The teacher came in and the class started. Marco dutifully copied down all the notes and equations. The bell rung and Marco packed up his stuff, but he lost his grip on his notebook and it dropped to the ground. He bent to pick it up but a lavender hand beat him to it. He looked up and met Tom's three eyes. Two of his eyes stayed on Marco's, but the third went down to his neck where his choker was.
"Here, you dropped this." Tom handed  him his notebook and Marco smiled.
"Thank you Tom, we better hurry to our next class." Marco tucked the notebook into his backpack and stood up. He smiled one last time and then exitted the room. Marco walked to his next class and, of course, sat in the front. He smiled as Star waltz in and sat next to him, Tom was next and sat next to Star and immediately starting flirting with her. Marco sighed placed his head on his fist as his other hand fished out his history book, notebook, and a black pen. This was going to be a long class. The teacher came as usual and the classes passed one by one. Lunch was with Tom, Star, Janna, Jackie, and Star Fan 13. He listened to the girls, minus Janna, fawn over Tom flirting with Star and her totally ignoring him for her phone. Soon lunch was over and the rest of his classes commenced. First was art class where yet again Star and Tom were in. He stood behind his canvas and picked up a pencil and started the outline of his first project of the year. He sketched out an elaborate staircase, did the outline for someone descending, and an outline of someone waiting at the bottom. He wasn't sure who he was drawing yet so he started to flesh out the background. The bell rung and Marco reluctantly cleaned up and stowed his project away. He quickly walked to the other side of school for his gym class. He changed into shorts and a tank top with the Echo Creek logo on it. He changed into sneakers and entered the gym. And surprise, surprise Tom was heading into the locker room too. Just awesome, not, he had every class with the demon. Marco sighed and went to the bleachers to sit and await instructions on what they were doing. Soon everyone was sitting with him and the coach came out.
"Alright everyone after stretching we are doing gymnastics. So go and start stretching." Everyone groaned and ambled down the bleachers. Marco dutifully went into his stretching, it was easy for him thanks to his dance lessons. He was the last to finish, if he pulled a muscle this close to the recital, his ballet instructor would kill him. He went over to the balance beam that was set up.
"Alright everyone, we are going to just walk across the beam today, then we'll start with flips and cartwheels." Marco smiled, this was going to be easy. Marco got onto the beam and gracefully walked from one side to the other with no problems. Hoping down he moved to the side to let the other students have plenty of room. There were many clumsy students, Tom not included, and it took a while for all the kids to feel comfortable on the beam. Finally after that there was time to practice flips and cartwheels before the coach dismissed them to change for the final bell. Marco changed quickly, he didn't like to dally in the locker room. Some of the football players came in early and they would bully Marco. Today had been draining enough with watching Tom flirt with Star, he didn't need the extra mental strain. As soon as the bell rang he left the campus and he ran to his ballet lesson.

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