Someone Watching Me

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Marco smiled at Star's enthusiastic summary of Swan Lake and Tom's baffled expression.
"So wait, Queen Odette dies because her love claimed love for another? How weak." Tom whined and Marco smirked.
"Well you know what they say about dying of a broken heart. I personally..." Marco trailed off as he felt that feeling again, like someone was watching him.
"Marco, are you okay?" Star asked the brunette. Marco looked from where he felt the feeling the strongest.
"No, come on, let's get home." Tom noticed a feeling in the air as well, and was impressed at Marco's sensitivity to it, for it was a demonic presence. It was faint, which was why Star couldn't sense it, but troubling all the same. There was a law that forbid demons and demonic forces from Earth, for the backlash on humanity would be disasterous. He, and other Demon Royalty, could come up because their more savage and depraved instincts could be controlled. He would have to have a word with Marco later about it, see how long he noticed this presence. They arrived at the Diaz' house and walked inside.  They were welcomed by Marco's parents and Star bounced around with introductions. Marco smiled, but that smile dropped when his parents announced that Tom was going to be sharing his room. With a sigh he went upstairs to his now shared room to put his things up and start on his homework. Tom said his thanks and went up to Marco's room only to see the boy staring out the window, fingers losing grip on his backpack so much that it dropped beside him. Tom felt that presence again, stronger than before but still faint enough to not cause Star alarm. Tom growled as he heard a small whimper leave Marco's throat. He walked around the boy and looked at his eyes, they were dilated in fear. Tom let out another growl and stalked over to the window and slammed it shut and yanked the curtains closed. Marco gasped lightly and shook his head to clear it, before looking at Tom with an ashamed look.
"How long has this been going on?" Tom growled out and Marco shivered at the deep sound.
"I noticed it about a month ago. But it was never that bad, ugh, I need to shower, that feeling was horrible!" Marco picked his backpack up and threw it on his bed before ducking into his closet and grabbing some comfort clothes.
"Make yourself at home...within reason." He added with an afterthought of who he was talking to.  Tom gave a small grin and Marco left the room. The grin dropped and he glared out the window. That had definitely been a demonic force, which means he had to fix this and watch over Marco. If this demon was after the boy then he feared what exactly the intentions were. Tom sighed and snapped his fingers, magically expanding the room on the inside and setting up his side of the room with a few more snaps of his fingers. Sometimes it was awesome being a Demon Prince. It was a half an hour later when Marco returned with Star at his heels.
"Marcooooooooo, I need help!" Marco sighed with a smile.
"Alright Star, go get your homework, we'll do it together." The blonde cheered and ran off. Marco put his clothes into a hamper and sat on his bed, pulling his backpack over to him. Marco looked up at Tom under wet bangs, almost shyly.
"Would you like to join us Tom?" And some how, he just couldn't say no.

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