Ballet is for Girls

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Tom waited for Star to gather her things, which took her like thirty seconds. She seemed to be in a rush for some reason, and since she was his 'Earth Liaison' he was supposed to wait for her to show him around. She pretty much hurled her bag onto her back and grabbed his hand. Slamming  the locker door shut she raced off, pulling him along.
"Starship, what's the rush?!" Tom yelled after the excited blonde.
"We have to get to Marco's ballet practice!" Tom couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Why? And why is he taking ballet? I thought he had karate lessons." She pulled him into a dance studio and waved to the receptionist. She pulled Tom to sit against a far wall and they watched Marco come out of the changing room. His long hair was in a bun, a white sleeveless leotard, black leggings, a white skirt, and white ballet shoes. Tom had to admit if he didn't already know Marco was a boy he would have thought he was a chick. Marco had blossomed into a petite, thin, but strong man. Tom watched as Marco carefully stretched his muscles. The instructor came in and Marco stood up.
"Alright my prima, time to practice your solo. I want grace, poise, and perfection." She barked at Marco and he nodded. Marco went through many moves that were like poetry in motion.
"So what is he practicing?" Tom asked Star in a whisper.
"Swan Lake, it's a beautiful, but tragic story and Marco is dancing the part of the Swan Queen Odette." Star answered back excitedly.  Tom frowned, he didn't know the story of Swan Lake. But by the look of Marco's dancing it was going to be amazing. He watched as Marco was commanded to do the routine over and over and over again. When the instructor finally called the end of the lesson Marco slumped to the floor.
"Way to go Marco." Star clapped enthusiastically as Marco gasped for air. Marco smiled at her then began his cool down stretches. Tom was amazed at how flexible Marco was, his thoughts couldn't help but go down other paths where that flexibility was really put to the test. Tom froze in his seat, he shouldn't be thinking about Marco like this, he should be thinking about Star like this. What was wrong with him? One day on Earth and his head was going to the dogs.
"That was adequate, still much room for improved grace by the performance. You are excused for the day." The instructor said and then left the room and Marco stood up and took his hair out of it's bun, letting the chocolate waterfall cascade around his face.
"Thanks Star, but you know you don't have to come to every practice right? Hey Tom." Marco added as if the Prince of the Underworld was an afterthought.
"Oh I know but I wanted to know if you could get Tom a seat too, the performance is bext week, and I think he would like Swan Lake."
Marco tilted his head to the side and the waterfall went over his shoulder and a curl framed his beauty mark.
"I am sure that won't be a problem, if he wants to go that is." Marco turned to Tom with a raised eyebrow.
"Sure, I guess. I don't know the story though." Marco smirked and crossed his arms, jutting a hip out.
"Then I would pick a book up with the story in it." He turned and walked out, hips swaying lightly. Tom could feel a blush creeping up his cheeks against his will. Star had a grin on her face as she looked at Tom squirming in his skin. It seemed that the Blood Moon's light definitely had an influence on the young demon. Marco came back a while later and looked at Star's smirking face.
"Come on let's go home." Marco gestured for them to follow him to his parent's house.

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