The bond begins to Grow

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Tom's eye twitched as it happened again, a drop of water fell and hit Marco's red covered bed. Marco had been oblivious to it, since he was bent over Star's notebook as she tried to solve a math problem. He huffed and looked away, he couldn't believe how much attention he was giving the male human, his attention should be on Star for Hell's sake! There, it happened again! Groaning in annoyance he yanked Marco back by the shoulders and took the long, wet, brown hair into his hands.
"Tom! What are you-?!"
"Don't move." Tom grunted out as an interruption.  He took a deep breath and concentrated, one wrong move and it could be disastrous. He focused heat into his hands and slowly started to run his fingers through the brown locks. He went from scalp to ends, being careful of his nails, to make sure the process was evenly done. Marco, who had been tense at first, relaxed completely under Tom's hands. It was so relaxing,  the steadiness of his hands, the soft and gentle heat coming from them, he was sure if this went on too long, he would fall asleep. When Marco's hair was dry, Tom let the silky stards fall from his fingers and he found himself blushing. What Marco didn't know was, what he just did was an intimate act between mates. Tom knew that Star knew that, just because he had done it for her a few times while dating. "Not one word Star." He growled out before practically throwing himself off Marco's bed and climbing into his own and pulling the sheets over his head. The blonde was grinning so much that Marco knew what Tom had done was not something normally done.
"Good night Marco!" She yelled before scampering out the door to go to her room. She HAD to tell all of the juicy stuff to Ponyhead. Marco smiled before putting his finished homework away and climbing under the blankets. Turning off the light he snuggled into bed, the day replaying in his mind. Tom had acted a little weirdly around him, but it wasn't so bad.
Late that night Tom got out of bed and crossed over to Marco's side of the bedroom. He looked at Marco's form, bathed in moon light. The large shirt he wore to bed barely covered his rear leaving long mocha colored legs on display, since he had kicked his covers down earlier that night. Delicate and slim fingers gripped the cuffs of the shirt as he slept, curled on his side, hands close to his face. It could have been a trick of the shadows of the moon, but Tom swore he saw burn marks on the palms of his hands. Thinking back he remembered that Marco had worn fingerless gloves all day, even in ballet. Frowning he moved on to the serene face, relaxed for once instead of concentrated on something. Marco's face was slim and youthful, the beauty mark under his eye just adding to his allure. And his hair felt like fine silk, and cascaded like a chocolate waterfall. The choker was still wrapped around his slim neck. Tom growled inwardly at himself, why did he find Marco so damn attractive?! It was unfair! But as Marco laid there sleeping, all he wanted to do was curl up next to him. Turning with a huff of anger and a shake of his head he went back to his own bed and pulled the covers up, going into a deep, and uneasy sleep filled with blood moons and chocolate colored eyes and hair.

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