Shopping and the Never Forgivable.

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"Marco!!" Star shouted as she slammed the door open, causing Tom to jump up in bed, hand poised to attack.
"Damn Devil Star! Don't do that!" Tom yelled at the grinning girl as she bounced over to Marco's bed. Marco sat up bleary eyed as the girl landed on the bed next to him.
"Star, it's Saturday. What is the rule for Saturday?" He asked her with a yawn.
"Let you wake up when you want, but Jackie and I want to go shopping! At a mall! And it would be good for Tom to experience it! And you could bring your friend from your "special dance" class!" Marco had frowned heavily at Jackie's name before smirking.
"Alright, deal, now get out. Tom and I need to get ready, and I need to text her to get ready." Star cheered and bolted out the door, yelling she would call Jackie. Marco smiled at her exuberance before getting up and going to his closet. Choosing his outfit he came out, grabbed his towel and went into the bathroom. Tom on the other hand just got dressed and brushed his hair, he'd have to wait for Marco to get out of the bathroom to brush his teeth. When Marco finally did step out Tom felt he couldn't breathe. Marco was dressed in red jeans, thigh length boots that were thick heeled also in black with red laces, a white crop top with the words 'Sweet Devil' in red on it and a cropped leather jacket in black. On the back if the jacket was a red heart with gold scissors laying over it. Marco still had the choker on, the earrings he had in were also golden scissors. Tom also realised thar Marco yet again had fingerless gloves on in red with golden bangles around the wrists. He was smiling at his phone as he called to Tom that the bathroom was free. Star then popped her head in, even more excited than before.
"Hurry Tom, we get to take Tomera to the mall!!!!" She squealed before running off. Tom, more confused than ever, did as the Mewni woman wanted and finshed getting ready before jogging downstairs. He met Star at the driveway and looked at her as she bounced up and down.
"Why are you so excited?" He asked asked her as the garage door opened.
"Because we get to ride in Tomera!!!" A car backed out of the garage and Tom whistled in appreciation. The car was a state of the art charger, black in color, red flames coming up the side, and on the door and hood was the same design of a heart with golden scissors over it. Marco was in the driver's seat and stopped the slow reverse to let Tom and Star into the back.
"Wow Marco, this is nice." Tom said complementing the machine. Marco smiled and placed his black sunglasses on, the same heart and scissor crest on the side of the glasses.
"Thanks. Shall we go pick the others up?" Star screamed yes for the both of them and he told them to buckle up, which they did, and he set off for Jackie's house. When he arrived, Jackie was waiting and climbed in behind Marco and fastened her seatbelt without saying a word. Tom noticed that she looked awkward and uncomfortable right now as the car moved on to their next stop. Fishing out his phone he sent a text to Star.

To Starship:
Hey do you know what's up with Jackie? She seems really uncomfortable around Marco.

To Anger Management Flunkie:
I don't really know, they had a huge falling out a month after they started dating 3 years ago. Now Marco hates her, and she's been trying to get him to forgive her for something. He doesn't even like admitting she exists. I am gonna try to get them on better terms today.

To Starship:
Do you think that's best? I mean she must have done something huge to get him to hate her.

To Anger Management Flunkie:
I have to try.

To Starship:
Good luck.

She didn't respond after that and that was fine, he was too caught up in his thoughts. If Marco wouldn't even acknowledge her existence then she did something so major that it made him wonder what. I mean he messed up real bad one time and it took him raising a dead martial artist to win Marco's trust again. And that was no small feat, he was weak for weeks after that. He stopped next to a house rolled down the windows and started to blast a song out of the speakers. The front door flung open to reviel a silver haired girl she was grinning from ear to ear and sang along to the song playing, which was 'Break Free' by Arianna. She had her hair in pigtails, wore a crop top in blue with a symbol of a bunny perched on a moon, dark wash jeans, flip flops and a jean jacket. She yelled that she was leaving and shut the door behind her. Marco turned down the music and looked at her with a grin.
"Get in bitch, we're going shopping." She laughed and slid into the passenger side seat.
"Movie quotes, a man after my own heart. Ewwww, since when did you let trash into your baby?" She asked when she caught sight of Jackie. Jackie clenched her jaw and fists but said nothing.
"Not even going there L.B." He looked into the mirror to make sure that no one was coming before pulling out onto the street and heading to the mall.
"So how's things with Mr. Prince Charming B.M.?" She asked Marco and Marco chuckled
"So weird, totally worth it though."
"B.M.?" Tom asked the girl.
"It's short for Blood Moon, his stage name at our dance classes. Makes the class more fun. Mine's Luna Bunny, but my real name is Aqua." Tom quirked an eyebrow up, stage names only came with a few types of dances.
"What type of class is it." Marco tried to cut her off from answering him but she talked over him.
"Pole dancing class." Star shot forward her her seat and looked at Marco with wide eyes.
"Isn't that what strippers do?" She asked him and Marco groaned as he turned onto the highway.
"It's what it's known for yes, but it's actually a great way to work out." Aqua laughed and nodded at the blonde girl.
"Totally, makes your upper body strength amazing. Although when B.M. first started he couldn't keep himself up on the pole, now though he could hang upside down on it for a half an hour!" She laughed as she remembered Marco's first few weeks. Marco frowned and shifted over into the hammer lane as he sped up. Reaching up he turned on the radio and pressed play for his CD player. Music started blasting out of the speakers and Tom perked up as it was Love Sentence blasted. Just Friends was the first song Tom felt his eyes widen as Jackie mouthed a line of the song and Marco angrily sung the next few lines. It couldn't be, could she really have? Awesome Feeling came on next and Marco cheered up as he switched back over to the right most lane and exited the highway and Tom leaned forward and sang along with Marco. They smiled at eachother and then Too Little Too Late came on and both gasped.
"It's our song." Marco smiled as he pulled into the mall's parking lot. He parked the car and turned it off and everyone climbed out. They entered the mall and looked around.
"So where should we go?" Marco asked the group and Tom perked up at the sight of a CD store.
"Oh that's right the new Love Sentence album comes out today, come on." Marco grabbed Tom's hand and pulled him into the store. They saw a bunch of girls making their way toward the last two copies of the CD. Marco looked up and looked at the beams that were close together and looked at Aqua. "Give me some music. I am going up." Aqua whipped out her phone and started to play some Brittney Spears and Marco took off his gloves and climbed up a near by pole. Then he grabbed onto a beam and swung his legs to the next beam and worked his way across until he was at the pole that was right behind the Love sentence display. He climbed onto the pole upside down and slid the pole, and just as a girl was about grab the last two he snatched them up, twisted and landed on the ground. He smiled at the pissed off girls and handed a copy to Tom. Tom was struck speechless as he recieved the copy of the CD and Tom gasped as he saw the burns on Marco's hands. He placed the CD in his pocket and grabbed Marco's hands and Star gasped too at the burns. Marco tried to pull his hands away from Tom's warmer ones.
"What happened?"
"Who did this?!" Tom and Star said at the same time, Tom's question being far more angry than Star's. Marco looked away from both of them with a glare.
"I don't want to talk about it, holy Hell, I don't even want to think about it." Marco grit out between his teeth and with a mighty tug he freed his hands and slipped his gloves back on.
"Marco, these are three years old, what happened?" Tom tried again gently.
"It happened when I found out I made a huge mistake ok? I got splashed with hot oil."
"JESUS MARCO! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FORGIVE ME ALREADY?" Jackie screamed at them and Marco whipped around to her.
"Not even when you are dead and burning in hell!" Tom gasped a bit, that was some damnation there, and he hadn't expected that from Marco.
"I told you I was sorry!" Jackie yelled as she started to cry.
"I bet you are, you two timer. My advice for your next boyfriend, don't sleep with the football quarterback right after your boyfriend." Star gasped and Marco whipped around and stalked over to the checkout and paid for his and Tom's copy of the CD then left the store. Tom glared at Jackie and followed Marco out of the store while Jackie sunk to the floor sobbing. Star stood there unsure of what to do now.

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