Chapter 1

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"Did you get it? Did you get it?" Biana squealed. "I can't wait to open it! Right, Sophie?" Sophie got up from her chair and walked over to where Biana sat. "Sure, I can't wait to open the scroll that will decide my entire future basically."

"Now, don't do that! Put a little fun into it! Let's go meet up with the others!" She grabbed Sophie's hand and pulled her out of her room and toward the Leapmaster.

"Where are you two going?" A squeaky voice from behind them spoke. Sophie turned around to find Sandor, her 7 foot goblin bodyguard. "Grady told me that you weren't supposed to leave Havenfield." His eyes narrowed.

"Oh um..." When Sophie couldn't find the right words, Biana jumped in and said, "We were just about to leap to Everglen to meet up with our other friends. We're all opening are Matchmaking scrolls together to see who we get!" She gave Sandor a cheerful smile.

"Well, when you put it that way... alright. I guess." She eyed Sophie. "I'm going to tell your parents that you kids went to Everglen to discuss things with your friends. Be back before sundown. Alright?" When Sophie nodded, he turned around and headed downstairs with a tiny smile on his face.

"C'mon, let's go already!" Biana said, still pulling Sophie toward the Leapmaster. "Everglen!" She shouted.

They landed on their feet outside the golden gates of Everglen. "Ready?" Biana asked. Sophie nodded. They pushed open the gates and entered the mansion.

"Well, lookie here. Who's late again?" A boy's voice called out. Sophie turned around to find a blond haired boy with a smirk on his face. "Even late to your own party?"

"Shut up Keefe," Sophie said from across the room. "We got into some problems on the way. Where are Fitz and Dex, by the way?"

"Right here," a deep, accented voice said. Sophie turned her head and found Dex sitting on the couch and Fitz standing next to him. His teal eyes sparkled in the light. "Tam and Linh are arriving soon. Anyway, are you ready to open your scrolls?" Fitz asked. He flashed his perfect smile. Sophie's heart started skipping beats, and she blushed.

Sophie was nervous to open her 1st matchmaking scroll. Sophie already knew who she wanted to be first. He had amazing teal eyes and just made her-

Sophie? Fitz voice filled up her head. She jumped. Do you need something?

Um, no. It's just—nevermind. So, when are we going to be opening our scrolls? She asked.

"FOSTER!" Keefe shouted. "When are you going to stop flirting and open your scroll?"

"What? You already opened them?" She asked, hating herself because her cheeks were warming up. She looked at the opened scroll in his hand. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"That's why you shouldn't flirt. C'mon, open it already!" Sophie took a deep breath and tore open the seal.

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