Anti's Try

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You wake up in you bouncey and spriny, yet soft bed. The sound of you alarm ringing hurts your ears. You slam you hand down on the clock, making it shut up. You slide out of your comfy bedding. At snail pace you sit up and stretch. You hear a knock on the door. As you reach for the Handel, the door swings open. Thank fully the other direction of your face. But it leaves you falling Anti ketches you and holds you bridal style. He starts to speak.

"You know lass Jack is makin' some Pancakes, want any?" His and Jack accent Allways made you think of when we first met.

You rub your eyes. "Yes, Please!" You whisper, shout. You voice hurt for some reason most the time your louder than jack. Anti starts walking towards the stair still holding you. We you reach the bottom of the stair you smell jacks cooking. A bright smile awakes from deep slumber.


"So..." Anti seems flustered. He scratches his neck. "Here, I got you this!" He hands you a golden retriever.

You snuggle it.

"What's it's name?" You ask Anti

"It doesn't have one. You should name him."

"Are you sure, I mean you did get the cute thing."

"Nah it's fine, plus I'm bad with names."

You think for a minute...

"How about......Shadow!"

"Great name!"

"Ima go show Jack our new dog be right back!"


You run upstairs to jacks room. And kick the door open, luckily he was only listening to music.

DILBD (Anti X Jack X reader)Where stories live. Discover now