Halloween party?

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~Tommaro ;3~

After their worried crys we all eat some F/C's left in the pantry.

<Favorite/ cookies>

I know my bone didn't break, I know it hurts ALOT.

I don't know how this happened I do know it got something to do with Wilfred.

Or the mission.

{Jack POV}

"What's wrong Y/N?" I ask she Looks like how she did when we were not two different body's, me and anti. The sad part about marks try is that only two people left Wilfred Warfstach ( I forgot how to spell it ) and Googlepiler. I wonder where they are now.

I see Y/N magically spawn a cast around her angle.


"I got a visit from Wilfred yesterday." You could feel Even Darks eyes glance over. You get some coffee.

"What for?" Mark asks, almost sounding angery. Jack and anti join the conversation.

"Yeah Y/N, Why?" They say at the same time.

"For a new mission. I want to invite you guys to join, and the Palace I can go back to the run down building and get the potion!" You say calmly then Excited.

"Count me In." Anti says.

"Ok, fine." Mark says after.

"Alright, but after we Never go back." Jack finally says.

You knod and drink your coffee.

(2 days before Halloween)

(5:90 AM)

You go out to get some costumes for you and the guys. They made a list for you what they want.

Mark-A Cop

Jack- Deadpool

Anti- A clown

You surprisingly found all of them. And you also found a cop uniform that matched Marks. To took them home and through the costumes at them, and forcing them to wear the costume.

(1 Day til Halloween)


You and others, are going to holloween party. It's hosted by one of jack and marks freinds....

You think his name was Ethan. (Crankgameplays)


after all of you get into your hollween costumes, you jump in jeep because his house is appeals located by a beach. You pack your swim suit just in case.

On the way there you lisen to Nightcore - IDFC ♫♪
music.youtube.com/watch?v=3918MQqt8q4 . And rideeeee.

When you arrive at the beach house there's mostly Youtubers. The music blares loud and proud..Nightcore - Toxic (Cestladore Remix) ♫
music.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx55SCp9x3w . You pull Anti and Jack inside and start dancing,

You sing the worlds and boop theirs noses, to the words...

"Don't you know that your Toxic."

You dance for an hour or so before the party stops.

You finally meet This Ethan guy, he seems nice but something is off....

DILBD (Anti X Jack X reader)Where stories live. Discover now