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green light booms out of the house


Two men jump through the window... Jack kills one

...One down one to go...


you walk to the next one and freeze him

You could tell by the eyes you know this person.

You make Light magic chains around him. Jack finishes off the first person. And walks over to you. You take off the mask.

"I knew it.." You whisper

"Felix?" Anti and Jack say at the same time.

You squat down to his level.

"Felix, what is your order?"

He looks down.

"To kill Anti, and You."

You speak once more.

"I have a message for you."

He knoods.

"Tell your commander that he will never lay a hand on any of us, because he cant. See how much that pisses him off." You say the last sentence walking away. He jumps out the window.

"You know you just started a war,right?"

"Of course i did."

DILBD (Anti X Jack X reader)Where stories live. Discover now