The date

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|at the date|

"so... Logan or uh... Beauty and the beast?" Anti said unsure of what to do. "Logan." You answered simply. He nodded and bought two tickets for Logan. It started a bit later than beauty and the beast, so you had to sit through about ten minutes of previews.

"That movie was really good!" You said with enthusiasm.  Anti shrugged his shoulders. "I guess it was alright." "Pfft, and what would movie would you say is better?" You asked, challenging him. "Deadpool."  You couldn't help but smirk. "I can't argue with that. Deadpool was pretty good." He chuckled and nodded. He started walking in the direction of a restaurant. "Why this way?" You asked curiously. "Well, it's already almost nine, and all you had was a slushie and some nachos. You could probably use some decent food." "Nachos are amazing!" You protested.

He chuckled and kept walking. When you entered the restaurant, a wave of delicious smells wiped over you. When you were walking here, sure a light smell was there, but it wasn't strong. This smelled amazing! You looked at Anti and tugged his sleeve. "Can I have a burger?" You asked excitedly. You weren't sure if it was the nightly energy buzz thing or cause you were excited. But hey who cares? He ordered two burgers, one with a little bacon. "Aww. I wish I knew there was bacon!" You said, throwing your arms in the air.

chuckled. "Alright then. It's for you." You didn't want to be rude and take his burger with bacon. But bacon was half the stuff you lived for. "ooh okey!" You said. He smiled and suddenly turned around. "What's wrong?" You said, concern lacing your voice. "Nothing." He said, chuckling. You didn't want to intrude, so you brushed it off. When he turned back around, he apologized and went to get the burgers. You ordered five minutes ago. Your name's haven't been called yet, and wouldn't be called soon.

You slid your phone out of your jeans pocket and began to text and old friend that you haven't talked to in a while.

"Hey, haven't talked to you in a while. How's the shitty life?" You texted, waiting a few minutes for a response.

"Not all bad, I got a girl and life's more meaningful with her. .... But I'm still broke.." He had said. You smirked at this.

"Don't you dare get all mushy gushy with me. I think I just got ditched if I'm honest." You sent it with hesitation. Would Anti really ditch you? Not when you live together, no. You still sent it.

"Aw, sucks. Just keep diving into different relationships. You'll eventually hook one." You grumbled at his text but still found yourself smiling.

"Why don't we meet up sometime? Haven't seen you in ages." You texted him, getting curious.

"Alright, where?" You didn't expect him to just agree. It normally took a bunch of convincing.

"The park, around noon?" You sent. His response was immediate.


"Ok, I'll send a pic of the fabulous me so you know who to look for," you said, then sent him a picture. He replied with a picture of himself.

"Here's a pic of me." He said simply. "So you know who to keep an eye out for." He had lost a bunch of weight and probably started working out.

"You look so different! That's amazing!" You complimented.

"Thanks, it took a lot of work, but I finally managed."

"Oh, I gotta go, they're calling my number. He ditched me. I just get two burgers :)" You sent. You turned off your phone and slid it back into your front pocket, since you'd be sitting soon. You grabbed the two burgers and sat down at a little booth. A buzz came from your pocket. Taking your phone out, again, you looked at the notification.

"Three new messages                                                                                                                                                                      Jack, Anti, Unknown number."

You looked at each text, hesitating on checking the last one. "Stay safe! Don't let Anti get drunk!" Jack had said. "Sorry about leaving so soon, my stomach felt nauseous, tell me when the foods ready." Anti had sent, and you felt bad for accusing him of ditching you. You hesitantly clicked on the unknown number. It was a picture. No words, just a picture. It had the camera focused on you in the same busy restaurant you were currently in. Your eyes darted around the restaurant, but found no one taking creepy stalker photos.

"Foods ready" You texted Jack instead of Anti.

"What? I thought you were out with Anti?" He said, confused why you just sent him that.

"Sorry, I clicked on you instead of Anti, he felt bad and wanted me to tell him when our food was ready." You sent the long text.

He didn't respond, so you texted the same thing to Anti. He texted an "Ok" and was later sitting next to you. His face looked a little pale. You kept silent and ate a few bites of your burger. "Y'know, maybe we should go home... You're not feeling well." He shook his head. You were slightly disappointed. You needed an excuse from leaving. A buzz in your pocket. You felt it was rude to take out your phone and text someone during a date, so you walked to the bathroom. In there you opened up the new message. It was a picture of you trying to convince Anti to go home.

Your breath became shaky and you rushed over to your table. "Anti..." You said nervously, just a little bit paranoid. Your phone buzzed and you froze. "Yeah?" He said and looked over at you. His face wasn't so pale anymore, but it was still his naturally pale skin.

DILBD (Anti X Jack X reader)Where stories live. Discover now