A choice

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You slowly look up to see a man dressed in a  "suit". It was like he was from the circus, he had this bright pink mustache and had a crooked smile.

"What do you want Wilfred?" you sounded angry and sad at the same time.He chuckles,

"You have an incomplete mission, Mrs.(Your Last Name).

"I retired remember!" you yell at his crooked smile.  He starts to get a serious expression.

"Finish it or we will pertinently blow that trace right out of your head." you were smart enough to say nothing. 

"what mission?"

"The one where your blowing up something, i dont know i wasn't given full details."


You walk down a silent hall, guards holding your chains. you hear their foot steps every moment. Your lab coat pockets full to the top with blood and potions.

Your taken to a chamber, two of you till-death friends are siting.  Jack straining to get out. Mark already knowing what's happening.

.Mark POV.

Glassy orbs follow Y/N around the room. She has bags under her eyes. And her pretty Y/E/C  turned black.

The Gaurds push her forward. I slowly feel the chains hold my hands down unlocking.

Jacks POV

Y/N what's happening she said that she would Be able to separate me and the others not, look like we're about to be slat-urged..

The chains, Ok anti it's go time, but be careful.


"So what will it be uh."​​​​​​

"Fine, that me to the person that has the detals."

You leave ---->

DILBD (Anti X Jack X reader)Where stories live. Discover now