Chapter 4

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Lilac's POV

I take a look at my arm and wipe the tear that was rolling down. I clear up my face, but another tears starts threatening to leave.

I put down my shirt sleeve and I start heading out the girls bathroom.

I hear girls laughing like hyenas. Great. They actually belong in the Lion King movie. You know, the mean and disgusting hyenas? Yeah they sound like that.

They very well are aware of my presence and stare at me as if I'm some garbage bag that still needs to be taken out.

"Oh hey! You're the purple freak I saw that was with Will!" The girl in the middle said.

It wasn't hard to tell that she was the leader of her "posse".

"Oh and if I'm not mistaken, you're the girl that doesn't understand a simple 'no'. The name's Courtney, right?" I shot back.

She just stares me down. "You stay away from him. You don't want to cross paths with me. I'll make sure you even regret you were born!"

Little did she know that I already do regret it.

I laugh quietly at myself. "Ok bye whatever."

And then I get the heck out of there.

Must leave. Must leave. Must leave.



I put my hand to my forehead. There was a slightly throbbing pain. I winced and opened my eyes.

"You should watch where you're going." A guy with light brown hair, tan skin, brown eyes, and slightly tall, stared back at me.

"Ok. 'I'm sorry too.'" I said mimicking. I roll my eyes and quickly walk away.

I rush to my next class. I hope my eyes aren't puffy or anything.

I huff and entered the class. I sit at the very back greeted by Nina. It's good to see her.

"Woah you okay there, buddy?" She said concerned.

I nodded with a fake smile.

"I don't know how you can deal with long sleeves. It's eighty something degrees out there. Aren't you getting stuffy?"

I very much am. "No!"

Will entered the class and sat next to us.

"Why is it that you all of a sudden sit with us, Will?" Nina said laughing. "You could sit with, I don't know, your best friend, Spencer!" She pointed out.

That is very true. He's been with us a lot and it's unclear why.


I rolled my eyes and clutch on my sleeve. I usually do that when I feel uncomfortable and right now, I can feel Will staring at the side of my face. Almost as if he's trying to figure me out.

Definitely NOT checking me out because, firstly, I'm not worth being checked out, and secondly, why would he? He's been nothing but rude and arrogant. We've literally have only been arguing. Or sometimes he would even fail to flirt with me.


"No! That is completely wrong!"

He looked so stressed out and angry.


"Because it just is! I did it here and it's giving me a different answer. So you're wrong."

"You think I don't know that?"

Will stared at me acknowledging.

"Ooh I see what you did there! Brilliant! I got the answer right on my own!"

"Hey, Liiii." Landon came in my room. His voice died down once he saw Will in my room. "Will? What are you doing here?" He looked awkward and shocked.

"Relax we aren't doing anything. Not that I don't want to." He winked at me and I just felt completely uncomfortable. "She's helping me study."

"Will, I've known you for about a couple of weeks and I already know you slept with... pretty much every girl out there." Landon said laughing lightly.

"That's no fair. I have standards as well."

I snorted. "A girl with boobs is your only standards, Will."

Landon laughed and gave me a high five.

"You two are freakishly alike." He rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm out. See you losers tomorrow."

"We have names Will!" I said yelling as he's already downstairs and out the door.

"How you doing?"

"Eh." I shrug and clutch my sleeve.

"Li, are you starting to let your fears come back to you? You're starting to grab your sleeve as if it's your only support."

"I don't want anyone knowing."

"No ones going to know unless you're ready to tell them. It's up to you."

Landon sits down on my bed and sighs. I rest my head on my shoulder and can already start tearing up. But I don't dare to show him that. I fight the urge to cry still.

"Love you, little sis."

I smile and for once, we don't argue about that.

"Love you, old man." I start laughing. He said he's older so might as well embrace it, right?


I walk in the hallways of the school tugging, once again, on my sleeve. I breathe to calm myself.

Why are my nerves coming back?

It's like I can't control them anymore. Ever since Will has tried to kiss me that one day, these nerves and fears been hitting me like a truck.

I should just avoid him. That's better. Too bad my friends only talk about him and his friends. Well Nina does. Ari just stays silent once Lan's with us.

I'll just avoid them all. It's too overwhelming.

I head to first class. On accident I make eye contact with Ari and Will in the back. But I sit in the front instead.

"You're in my seat." Someone coughed. It was the guy that I ran into the other day.

I roll my eyes and point out to the other plenty of chairs. "Look there's a chair. And there's a chair. And oh lookie! Another chair in the back! Away from me."

"What's your problem?" He looked at me worried. But I glared at him. I didn't have to explain myself to him. And why would he care.

"Nothing now please leave me alone."

He looked down sad and went to the chair where I usually sit.

I hugged in relief, annoyance, and tiresome. This year is not gonna be my year.

Then the hyenas walked in the class. They laughed but immediately stopped when they saw me.

"Ew why are you here?"

"If I'm not mistaken, I'm in this class." I roll my eyes. They can never leave you alone can they?

"You're such a loser. I'm surprised Will even breathes around you. And even if he does talk to you, he'll just use you. And then dump you."

I don't know why, but that hurt me inside a little. I shook it off.

"Ok? I never said I wanted him. Plus he used you. So I'm guessing he dumped you?"

One of the girls on the side spoke up this time. "Yeah! But now it's my turn and he'll just love it."

"Shut up, Brit! HE'S MINE!"

I took shock and pretty sure I looked scared for life.

"Courtney! Take a seat young lady!" The teacher snapped at her.

She grunted and walked away.

I slump in my desk to make myself seem smaller. I already regret avoiding them.


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