Chapter 13

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Lilac's POV

"Come on, it's not bad."

"No. But it's awkward."

"It's fine, I'm your boyfriend." Will laughed, amused by me being nervous.

"We're settling rules here, Mister."

"Okay. So what are they?"

"There's only one bathroom so, toilet seat down when you're done, lock the door, don't take to long."

"Fine by me." Will sat on his bed.

"And I'm sorry but no intimate action." I crossed my arms and laughed.

"Aw." His face dropped. "Fine by me." He stepped closer to me and lifted my chin. "Can I still kiss you?"

"Do you even have to ask?" I pulled him in and closed the remaining space between us. I pulled away gently. "And lastly, please tell me when your changing because that's freaking awkward."

"That's also okay."

I smile at him. He stared in my eyes and smiled. 

Nothing can ruin this connection we have.


The next day

We woke up with the sun shining through the windows and onto our faces, which was quite annoying for it blinded me when I opened my eyes.

But other then that, it was a beautiful morning with nature surrounding us. I look to the other bed and I frown as I don't see Will there.

I get up and rub my eyes.

I head to the bathroom and wash up and change.

I head outside into the main room and again, I see no one here either.

Probably outside.

I open the screen door and I'm greeted by the group outside.

"At last, she's awake." Will takes my hand and leads me to the group. I grin and kiss his cheek.

I make eye contact with Owen who stared at me devilishly.

"Okay first lesson, one should always know to be prepared for the night and make a campfire. I want Owen, Lilac, and Kia to go bring as much wood pieces from the woods."

I nod. I'm nervous. Going with Owen? Oh no.

"Ok go now. The rest of you! Go get rocks and any things you find useful! Go go go!"

We scattered out in separate ways.

Why do I feel like something bad could also happen?

I walk alongside Kia who was talking about a bunch of animals.

"Kia, there's a bunch of sticks there, go get it. Now." Owen glared at her and she obeyed, scared.

"Well well well." Owen circles around me and I stay still. "Are you having fun messing with people's lives?"

"Owen. Let's just- we need to get sticks so focus on that." I stutter nervously.

"No. I don't think so."

I scream as he pulls on my arm and brings me somewhere.

"Where- Stop! Let me go!" I tug away, weakly.

"Goodbye!" He grunted and push me.

The next moment, I feel myself falling and hitting solid ground. I scream. My head hurts. I think I landed on a rock. My entire body ached. And soon, blackness took over me.

Kia's POV


I push him away and look down the steep cliff. "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!" I stare at him, shocked. I look back down. All I could see was ground and something down there. I looked back at Owen who was running away.

"Coward!" I look down and spot Lilac on the ground. She almost seemed lifeless. I got scared for her. "Don't worry, Lilac! ILL GET SOMEONE DO NOT PANIC!"

I hoped she heard me. Understood me. My heart pounded as I ran to the camp.

"Will! Everyone! LILAC FELL OFF A CLIFF!"

"What?!" Will pushed everyone away and stared at me. "HOW!" His voice boomed. And he was shaking.

"Owen pushed her! And he ran off!"

"Make way everybody!" The teacher shoved through the crowd who was shocked. Some of them started crying.

This was too much to take in.

Will's POV

"OWEN!" I yell out and feel my body tense up. "I WILL FIND YOU! AND WHEN I DO, I'LL KILL YOU!"

"That doesn't matter right now! WE HAVE TO HELP MY SISTER!" Landon pushed me away. I could tell he was scared. His face got red and he looked like he wanted to cry.

We followed Kia into the woods.

"Here she is!" She knelt down beside the cliff.

I look down and my heart breaks.

"I need to jump!" Landon shoved me slightly and looks down.

"No! Landon don't! There must be another way." Aria grabbed his shoulder. She was sobbing.

The teacher dropped his back pack and pulled out rope.

"Here some one tie this around them. If we can't jump, we'll climb down."

I'm first to take the rope.

I carefully but anxiously climb down.

I start seeing Lilac's body and my heart drops. She layed there, not moving. I could see blood around her.

I land on the ground and pick her up. Her blood stained my shirt but I didn't care.

"Please. Please be okay. Please, love." I feel tears stroll my face. I grab the rope again.

"Pull everyone!"

I feel myself being lifted up and I stared at Lilac. She looked pale and she was expressionless.


"Emergency in room 201! A girl fell off a cliff."

The doctors rushed around and everything was a blur.

"She's unconscious. We can still make it!"

My thoughts wandered in different directions.

What if she can't make it? What if.. what if.. what if!

I yell in frustration and kick a chair.

"Will! Calm down! She's strong! She will make it!" Aria and Nina comfort me the best they can. But nothing they say helps.


Landon stops walking and faces their dad.

"How's my little girl!" Mr. Austin's face was red and he screamed.

"Please dad! We know she's strong. We have to have faith!"

"Please." Nina and Aria whispered. People prayed and cried.

I kept hearing 'please'.

"Please." I whisper and cover my face.

I heard people mutter a prayer while I muttered my own.

I know you're strong, Lilac. Please.


When The Love Fallsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن