Chapter 11

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Lilac's POV

I tugged on his shirt pulling him in. I've never felt more safe and secure and peaceful. All my fear flew away. I let go.

"I've been wanting this." He pulled me in again.

"Will. Tell me." I laughed.

He hugged me tightly. I rested my head on his chest and smiled. I felt his heart pump fast. His body shook. He was nervous.

"He once.. made me kill.. a women who owed him a lot of money. I didn't want to. I felt awful. And still feel awful. I'm horrible. I understand if you want to run away from me. I would to. I'm a horrible person. I pray everyday for forgiveness. But what I did was unforgivable." He was starting to cry.

I didn't know what to do. My heart pounded and sweat grew on my fore head. I was waiting for me to run away. But I didn't find it in my heart to run away from Will. He needs help. He was broken. I hugged him tighter.

It hurt me to see him cry. "When did you do that?"

He stiffened. "Recently." He clenched his fist but I held onto him to calm him down. He loosened and ran his fingers through my hair.

He sighed.

"I would never leave you, Will. Not when you need support. Not when I also need support. Not when... not when we're both broken."

"It's like you're my only support." He looked down at me and smiled.

"That's nice." We both turned around to see Courtney tapping her foot and her arms crossed angrily.

"Lilac?" Owen was behind her and glared at Will angrily. "You!" He ran at Will and pushed him back.

"Owen! STOP!" I push him back. Will grunted angrily.

Owen stopped when he heard me and they both glared angrily at each other.

"What's wrong with you?!" I stare at Owen.

He glanced back to me and then back to Will.

Then back at me. "How could you do this to me?! You play with my heart. I- I fell in love with you, Lilac Austin!"

I stare at him. I felt my fear grow. "I- i" i stammered in fear.

"Nothing to say now, right?" He glared at me.

"Stop!" I shrieked and covered my mouth. It's almost like he is Lync.

Will stared at me, worriedly. He held me and stared at Owen.

"Get lost! you're scaring her!"

"I don't care anymore!" He kicked the wall. I flinched and then he left.

"Well, come on Will. You could leave her." Courtney held out her hand.

"No." He stared at her hand angrily. "How dare you request such a thing."

"Ok. Have fun saying this to your father." She stomped away.

Will hugged me. I tugged on his shirt and started crying. I still felt weak. As much as I said "I'm strong" as much as I made myself feel strong, I still felt weak. He rubbed my back and whispered gently in my ear. He said soothing words.

I've never been in love.

Will's POV

I've never been happier. She didn't judge me for what I did before.

I felt terrible for making her think I didn't love her anymore. I love her more than anything.

She helped me escape my darkness. My only goal is to help her escape hers.

I kissed her forehead gently and earned a smile.

"I want to leave." She let go and stared up at me.

"I'll drive you."

Before she could say anything, I take her hand and pull her to my car.

Lilac's POV

It was science class now. And it was boring. Until..

"Next month, a few selected students will go on a field trip to the outside wilderness nature. They'll be selected into groups and stay with each other during the trip. This is a great opportunity to test your survival skills." My teacher grinned.

Courtney groaned. "Do we have to sleep in tents?"

"Well, we have cabins but we're spending a lot of time outside." He scanned the room. "Anyone else?"

I raise my hand up slightly. "Which people are being selected to go?"

"Well people with a high average in my class."

I nod slightly. I look at Will who immediately looked down when I met his eyes. I laughed softly.

He was staring at me.


"I kind of hope to go on that trip." Will held me as we walked.

We aren't dating, but we sure act like we do. He hasn't asked me yet and it drives me crazy.

"How come?"

"Because I know that you're gonna be selected." He smiled down at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "But your grade has been increasing. So you can be selected." I grinned at him.

"I'm still trying to improve my grades. If it means you'll like me."

I cross my arms and stop walking. "You don't seriously think I wouldn't like you if you weren't smart?" He stared at me, not saying a word. "Will, I- i don't care if you were to be smart or dumb, rich or poor, or anything! Because I like you, for you."

I was waiting for him to say something.

Come on, say something!

He pulled me in and kissed me.

"Lilac?" He held me close and I rested my head on his shoulder.


"Will, uh. Will you go out with me?"

I lifted my head up. I smiled. Finally. "Yes!" I jumped on him making him almost fall off balance. We started laughing.

I'm happy now. I'm safe now. Nothing could ever hurt me.



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