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My name is Eveye Demsworth. Like Eve and Eye mashed up in one.

This might sound a bit weird, but I think I might have Amnesia. Or something like that. I can't remember much of anything. My past is nonexistent. Like it never happened. I've only ever seen one or two pictures of me when I was a kid, but that's it.

It's like that whole part of my life, my childhood, was cut out. Something just seems to be missing.

It's September 1st of this year, and it's my last year of High School. I'm finally graduating. I'll be nineteen years old in October.

Another chapter in my life is finally ending, and I'm quite excited. I never liked High School, even if it's the only thing I can remember. Those were the worst years of my life.

At least the life I can remember.

According to my mother, I started Elementary School when I was seven. I started later than everyone else because I was apparently clinically depressed when I was little.

It's not like I remember any of it, but my mom said that I got better when I got to the age of seven.

I've always wondered why I was depressed, but she never told me. I think she doesn't remember. The way she seems to look deep in thought whenever I ask her. Lost in a world of uncertainty.

Maybe I was brought here to earth from another planet. Planted memories of a family who think I'm theres. I doubt it though.

So like any other day, I wake up at 8 in the morning. I get dressed, wash my face and then brush my teeth. It's always the same.

I want this year to be different!

I walk out of my room, passing by the family pictures on the walls. I see these pictures every single day. The same pictures of my mom and I playing in the snow during winter. Yoongi and I at the beach, posing next to our sand castle.

Yoongi, is my best friend. Actually, he's my only friend. We met one day at one of my parent's parties, back when I was twelve. I remember it like it was yesterday...

It was a New Years Eve party. The furthest back that I can remember.

I was sitting on my parents couch, in the living room; watching the New Years Eve special on the television. I was wearing a dark blue dress, that ended below the knee, with a pair of black tights.

I didn't have any shoes on, since I was in my own house.

I remember looking around the room, looking at every detail. Hundreds of books covering the walls of the living room, with the TV right smack in the middle; creating an illusion of being surrounded by books. Almost as if you could just pick one up and get sucked into the story.

The floor carpeted in the softest white fabric, that made your feet all comfy and warm. The brown couch made out of the finest leather, with white fluffy pillows on each side.

As I was looking around the room, I can distinctly remember feeling as if I was in a strangers home. Like I've never been there before. It got me a bit panicked, but I tried not to show it.

At that same moment, a boy my age, sat down right next to me. The first thing I noticed was the shoes he was wearing. They were a pair of dirty old running shoes. His pants were fancy and black; he also had on a black buttoned up shirt, with a white tie around his neck.

His dark brown hair was a complete mess, going in all directions, but it suited him. His eyes the purest most delicate brown I've ever seen.

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