Chapter Two

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  Adam is a child of Rizwan and Sarah, an adorable 5 year old who has his mother's brown eyes. He is in his pajamas when he walks up to Sarah in the kitchen while she is making breakfast. 

"Mommy, good morning.." Adam greeted.

Sarah looked at Adam who is tugging at her skirt. The boy smiled at him and she smiled back. "Good morning. Now go take a shower." 

"Alright!" The boy runs away. 

Then, he poked his head back into the kitchen. "Mommy," Adam says. "Why is Daddy's lunch box is still on the table?" 

The woman looked at the dining table. A turquoise Tupperware container sat on the table. She moans and facepalms. She hears footsteps and the sound of water running in the bathroom. 

"Damn it!" She says as she flips the omelet on the frying pan. She recalls the moment when he gives her the surprise hug before. She frowned but couldn't help slipping a smirk. He had tried to be sweet, instead, he missed his own lunch. 

  Sarah placed two dishes of omelet on the table and put Rizwan's lunchbox into the fridge. She looked at the clock and it shows 7 am, an hour before Adam's kindergarten starts. After she finished washing the pan, Adam came into the kitchen around 7:15 fully clothed in his  uniform. 

He took a seat and obediently waits for his mother. When she sits down, both of them began eating their breakfast. Their last bite followed with drinking a glass of orange juice. Sarah cleaned the dishes and glasses while Adam wears his socks and fastens his tie. 

 When Sarah is locking the front door, she turns and Adam is waiting by the car. She huffs and walks towards him, bending down and holding his tie. "Your tie is not properly done, Adam." She says. 

"Just like his own father." Sarah thought and smiled to herself. 

 The journey to Adam's kindergarten is just 2km away from their house and soon she parks the Honda Civic Si in front of his school.

"Remember Adam," Sarah says and unlocks the door. "Behave and always pay attention to what the teacher is saying."

"Alright, Mommy." Adam wears his backpack and goes out. 

As he jogs into the main entrance, Adam turns and waves at his mother with a smile on his face. Sarah waved back. She quickly drives the car since there is another car behind her. 

 If anyone knew her relationship with Rizwan and their other identities, they would be baffled and say things like, "How could you have a family with your own enemy" and "Will both of you last long?". Sarah always tells that she has nothing to regret of, and they had already come to terms that their other personality is their other life and their relationship has nothing to do with it. 

Furthermore, if Sarah could list down the things she would never regret on marrying her own enemy, one of the things is that she gave birth to a good-looking child. By the looks of it, Adam is going to grow up and become a handsome young man. Sure, people could say it's because Sarah is Adam's mother and mothers always said things like that but so far a lot of Sarah's assumptions came true. 

 Sarah laughs at her own thoughts. It reminded her back in the days when she was young and always fooling around. 

It was almost a decade before when this event took place. Jenny and Sarah had a night out and they were both so happy and out of their minds. They hung out at almost all the places in Cyberjaya city and somehow they ended up on the rooftop of some apartment, in which a party is going on in one of the rooms.

 They were sitting and relaxing, with the streets just underneath their feet. Being young and free is so fun especially when you have your best friend eagerly tagging along. At the rooftop, they were talking and laughing at their own jokes while enjoying the night breeze. 

It was silence and suddenly, Jenny broke it by asking, "Hey, do you remember that weird dude you always stare at?" 

Sarah was so taken aback she nearly fell down from the building. "Which guy are you referring to, Jenny?"

The red haired lady rolled her eyes. "Don't pretend that you don't remember, Sarah. It's the guy who always has a lollipop in his mouth!" 

It took her a few seconds before Sarah finally hit with realization. The black and purple haired lady blushed. "Aww, look at her, she's blushing!" 

Sarah scowls and Jenny laughs. "C'mon, Sarah, I know you like him." 

"No!" Sarah suddenly became defensive. "I don't like him."

"Well then, you like like him, don't you?"

"Jenny, stop it. This isn't middle school. Anyways, I never stared at him." 

Jenny stared at Sarah and Sarah glared back, both of them having an eye contest. It was a deafening silence as Jenny tries to read Sarah, which she successfully did. 

"Whatever, Sarah." Jenny huffs and turns her head away. "It's not like I never caught you staring at him."

To be honest, Sarah did stare at Rizwan. The way the man looks at everything and handled things. The way he pulls out a lollipop out of his pocket, like all of his pockets has them, and they were the same flavor each time he did unwrap one. She noticed that he likes his candy sweet, unlike her who likes a tinge of sour in her candies.

"Look, Jenny, I..-"

Jenny puts a hand in front of Sarah, silencing the raven haired lady immediately. "One day, both of you will be wearing the same rings, and they are wedding rings." 

Sarah scoots closer to Jenny and playfully slaps her best friend. "JENNY!" 


  It seemed like what Jenny had said before actually happened, and the wedding ring on Sarah's finger shined as a reminder. She parks the car in front of her house, unlocks the front door and went in. 

Then, her phone rings. It was a call from Trez.

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