Chapter Six

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 The way her hair tumbled down her shoulders and her dress pools around her, it was so heavenly like God had sent an angel for him. 

She looked modest yet so breathtaking. The little miniature crown on top of her head made her look like a young beautiful queen, with a veil that cascaded down her back. Her black hair is tied into a complicated bun, the sort of hairstyles that queens and princesses commonly use. Her lips were red and they looked so soft and plump that he thought they might have tasted like strawberries.

 "Rizwan," The woman says softly, his gaze never leaves her lips. "Rizwan."

He feels a slap on his shoulder. "Oi!" Sarah says. "Daydreaming, honey?!"

"I'm sorry. "Rizwan says, shaking his head. "I was looking at our wedding picture. You were so beautiful. What were you saying?" 

Sarah blushes and steadies herself. They were on their bed and her body is leaning to the side and her elbow propped under her chest so she could look at Rizwan.

She sighs. "I was saying that Adam's 5th birthday is coming up next week." 

"Wow, time really passes huh?" 

"Yeah.." Sarah says and placed her head on his chest. 

Rizwan put a hand on her head. "You know, I've been thinking.." He trails, waiting for her answer.

"What is it, honey?"

He sighs sadly. "It's been kinda lonely sometimes in our family. How about we..."

"I know where you're heading to, Wan." The man smirked. 

He rubs her head and brushes his fingers in her hair. "We can do it, you know."

Sarah huffs. "But Rizwan, I do like to have another child. It's just that I'm so busy these days. Uno might kill me if I took a break."

"If he kills you, I'll kill him." His voice suddenly sounds serious, and she giggles. 

"Let's wait for a moment, okay? Things are kinda tense right now." 

 They turned off the lamp and she snuggles in his arms. Rizwan immediately falls asleep and his soft snores filled the silent room.

She smiled in contempt. She was right after all. There is nothing to worry about marrying your enemy. The whole agent thing is in another character, a persona. As an 'author', all you need is to be smart and cautious not to clash two 'characters' and 'worlds' into one 'story'. 

  Sarah closed her eyes and went to sleep. 


Persona - Rizwan x Dos (Ejen Ali Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now