Chapter Three

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  Sarah went into her bedroom to get changed as soon as the phone call ended. When she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror. 

It somehow still amazes her how she became from a housewife to an agent named Dos. Then, she leaves the house and in front of the gate is a familiar car waiting for her. She sits on the passenger seat next to the driver. 

"Trez, why did you fetch me right in front of my house?!" Dos says as soon as she got into the car. "Do you want my, - which in this case includes you - identity to be uncovered?" 

The muscular, bald headed man scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Heh, I'm sorry Dos." 

She sighs and looks at the road in front of her. "Nevermind. Don't do it again." She warns. "Let's go before Uno gets mad." 

 The car sped off. 

   "Tich!" Dos says after nearly skidding into a trash can. The target she is after is rather fast. His boots made him run swiftly. But, it doesn't mean her heels couldn't do any better. 

She chased the boy and the shoes she's wearing allow her to run on the wall, almost reaching the boy. She threw her electric needle at the ground in front of the boy and upon seeing this, he leaped to avoid the electric shock. She sneered, but at least it slowed down the boy a bit. 

Dos chased the boy down a path that she was planned to do so. It worked and she was slightly relieved. 

But, she wonders why Uno told her to chase that kid down that path? That same path is also near to a certain kindergarten...-


An explosion erupted behind a building and it was no other than the kindergarten itself. Both Dos and the boy were awe-struck at the flames before panic arise and the boy said something like, "The kids are inside there!"

"ALI!" Dos found herself screaming at the boy she was chasing before. "GO HELP THE KIDS INSIDE!"

Ali looked oddly at Dos until she screamed, "NOW!". He began running with Dos towards the burning building.  

Dos kicked at the back door and it came down easily, sending clouds of dust into the room. There is fire everywhere, and there were two paths. Each has the sound of children crying and screaming. She tells Ali to go the left while she goes right, where the fire is raging the most. 

There is a mint green door ahead of her and the smoke in that area is the thickest. She coughs and stepped on an article of fabric on the floor. Dos picked it up and tied it over her mouth. 

With a kick, the door fell down and the children in there shrieked. It was a playroom since there were toys scattered everywhere and the children are huddled up next to a toy box. A young woman is also there. She is one of the teachers at the kindergarten. 

 "Calm down, everybody," Dos says to the scared children. "Everything will be fine if you don't panic." 

Her eyes roamed at the faces of each child. Her breath hitched when she saw a familiar pair of brown eyes. It was Adam. 

 She turns and was surprised that she couldn't look anything. The smoke is too thick! A child shrieked and said, "Adam fainted!" 

"Adam!" Dos gasped and bent down. She cradled the unconscious boy in her arms. 

It seemed as though fear made her numb and glued to the spot. Dos ignored the coughs of the children due to the smoke and some even wheezed. 

Dos placed a palm on Adam's cheek. She stroked it gently and she gave a forlorn gaze at the fainted boy. "Adam,"She croaked, in the verge of tears. "Please wake up. Please."

 The children shouted something about someone coming. She looked at the doorway. A man in a suit with a  large hat that obscures his face is coming towards them. It was a firefighter.

"Madam," He says, "We have to get out immediately." 

Dos got up with Adam still in her arms, and the firefighter ordered the rest to follow and be careful. He led all of them to a window since everything else is on fire and carefully help each of them getting out. 

 As soon as Dos appeared outside of the kindergarten with a fainted child in her arms, paramedics rushed to her. "Madam, please let us handle with this boy." A female paramedic said to her. Stunned, Dos let the woman take Adam and forced herself not to follow them into the ambulance. 

"Wipe your tears," A male voice whispered behind her. "You don't want them to know." 

She spun around to see it was the firefighter. "Shut up and mind your own business." She snaps, unconsciously wiping both of her cheeks with the back of her hands. 

The only thing she could see on the firefighter's face was his mouth. Those lips curved into a smirk before he tilted the hat up. She gasped. 

"Rizwan!" Dos says. He placed a finger over his lips. 

"Shhh." He says and walked away. Dos smiled. She almost panicked when she realize the cloth she tied earlier is still on her mouth.

She looked at the burnt kindergarten before her. There was a hole near the door which led to the playroom. She clenched her teeth. What kind of creep thought that it was a great thing to put some explosive on the wall of a kindergarten?! That is so inhumane!

There is only one person in her team that is capable at inventing things and being cruel. 


Persona - Rizwan x Dos (Ejen Ali Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ