Dead or Alive

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Everything was burned to the ground. Hogwarts looked completely unrecognizable. Students of different shapes and sizes were spread amongst the ground still as stone. As I looked around I noticed that my body was lying on the singed up grass along with the many other students. Was this a joke? Was I dead? Those were some of the things roaming through my mind as I observed the stiff bodies. I couldn't seem to find my new mates bodies amongst the bunch, which was strange. I also couldn't find the red headed beauty, Lily Evans. I started to walk towards the eerie silent school and opened the towering doors. As I stepped inside I overheard a deep scratchy voice speaking to a group of what seemed to be students. There was an about sixteen inch snake attached to the mystery man's hip.

"I will soon have the wizarding world under my fingertips," said the man.

"Indeed my lord," said a familiar high feminine voice. I walked closer to the group hiding behind a still standing aluminum knight statue. From there I overlooked the group of students the man was talking to and found out that the students he was conversing with was in fact Bellatrix Black, Regulus Black, Lucius Malfoy, and Severus Snape. I wondered why Narcissa wasn't there since those were her friends.

"All we need to do now is get rid of that despicable Dumbledore," the mystery man spoke once more. With that the scene seemed to blur right in front of my eyes.

"Rise and shine El," said Narcissa in a sing song voice.

"Get yourself ready for today, Bella and I will be waiting for you in the Common Room," Narcissa concluded and walked out the bedroom door with Bella on her tail.

~maintenant ou jamais~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें