First Day

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I got dressed as fast as I could because I didn't want to keep anyone waiting

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I got dressed as fast as I could because I didn't want to keep anyone waiting. Once I was presentable I headed down to the Common Room.

"How very nice of you to join us El," said Severus as I walked up to him. Once we were all together we made our way to the Great Hall. As we entered the enormous dining hall I was almost immediately hit with different smells. Fluffy yellow eggs, crispy sugary waffles, and my personal favorite, juicy savory sausages. I made my way to my designated table with my fellow classmates and started to pile my small plate with a small stack of scrambled eggs, two sausages and half a goblet of orange juice.

"You know El, you gotta start eating more...good for the brain," said Regulus with a mouthful of chewed up waffles, gross.

"Leave her alone would you," said Narcissa.

"Look Professor Slughorn is passing out our class schedules...I hope I won't be taking stupid Muggle Studies again this year that class is repulsive," said Bella grumpily as she was giving a fellow Slytherin, Rodolphus Lestrange, googly eyes.

"Here you are...your schedules for this semester," said the annoyingly cheery voice of Professor Slughorn. I looked mine over and saw that I had Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Studies of Ancient Runes, and Muggle Studies. There was a separate piece of parchment on the table next to my schedule for Extra-Curricular classes and I decided to choose Ancient Studies, Magical Theory, and Art. All together I had nine classes I'm not sure how I will organize them all, but I'll manage. Soon everyone was exchanging schedules with their friends causing a lot of ruckus in the dining hall. I only looked at my new found friends schedule and noticed that I was the only one with a different schedule than them, which sucked. My train of thought was interrupted by the obnoxiously loud sound of a bell dismissing us from breakfast to our first class. I made my way to Arithmancy alone. To say the least, I wasn't prepared for the boring class with Professor Vector. I opened the creaky old door and sat down on a chipped wood chair next to the girl I had seen back on the train, Lily Evans.

"Hello," I greeted so low I doubt she had heard me.

"Why hello El I'm quite surprised to see you again I thought that you'd know of the rival between Slytherin and Gryffindor," she said whilst looking at me wearily.

"Yes...well don't expect this behavior from me on a daily," I replied rudely whilst looking around the classroom to recognize everyone. Soon the Professor waltzed inside the classroom and started the lesson, which was long and slow. All Professor Vector talked about was Greek numbers and what not. As I made my way out the door I was stopped by those idiotic Marauders that I was hoping wouldn't recognize me.

"Hey Elena," said Remus. I guess I spoke too soon. I just turned the other way and headed towards my next class, Care of Magical Creatures.

"What class are you off to?" asked Peter, which I was surprised because from my experience with them on the train ride here, I soon found out that Peter was the quiet one amongst the small group of idiots.

" too," said Sirius as if I told them where I was going.

"We're actually going to Care of Magical Creatures...did you know it's located in the oh so dangerous and mysterious Forbidden Forest?" asked James. I was the least bit terrified of this so called 'Forbidden Forest,' besides anything in there is most likely more scared of us than we are of them. Although, it is extremely annoying that I have a whole class with those utmost idiotically obnoxious boys. There was a small circle of loud students huddled up by Hagrid's little hut.

"What are you all waiting for...let's go," yelled Professor Kettleburn as he led us into the forest. 

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