The Marauders

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It was now winter meaning months had gone by in the school year and it was as if someone was pressing the repeat button on their favorite song

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It was now winter meaning months had gone by in the school year and it was as if someone was pressing the repeat button on their favorite song. Nothing changed, everything stayed the same, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I barely spoke, but somehow I excelled with my grades. I would usually be with Severus and our little group of friends. I would frequently exchange a quick "hi" or "bye" to Lily, which Severus was okay with since he developed a little crush on her over time. The Marauders tried with all their might to get me to be friends with them, but I wouldn't budge. I was currently sitting at a small round table in the dust filled corner of the school library. I decided to study for the soon to come O.W.L.s, which are the Ordinary Wizarding Level exams. Every student has to take them in their fifth year to determine their job opportunities in the future. Although, I'm not sure what I want to be in the future as long as I'm enjoying myself it doesn't really matter to me. Right now I was reviewing centaurs...what does this have to do with my future I have no idea.

"Hello there El," said Remus out of nowhere. I simply looked up at his tall figure and back down at my book so that he knew I was acknowledging him.

" interesting," he lightly chuckled to himself.

"Why are you here?" I asked rudely.

"So...she talks," said Sirius from behind a bookshelf.

" don't shut up," I fired back with a hateful glare.

"We have a proposition for you Elena," said James from my left. Where are they coming from was the only question running through my head.

"We would like you to consider being our friend," said Sirius with a devilishly handsome smirk to which I tried to ignore.

"If I agree will you let me study?" I asked. I only wanted the peace that I had before the group decided to show up and ask me to be their...friend. Kill me now.

"Really? Well in that case we'll see you at dinner...friend," said Sirius as the annoying trio waltzed out of the now silent library. Stupid, idiotic, and utterly repulsive were only a few of the insults I silently screamed at myself after I realized what I had just agreed on.

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