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Soon enough the halls were filled once again with students of different ages returning from their holiday break

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Soon enough the halls were filled once again with students of different ages returning from their holiday break. People like me in their fifth year were preparing, or should be preparing, for the soon to come O.W.Ls. To say I was confident that I would get an O, outstanding, in all my class exams was an understatement. I excelled in all of my classes, so I was more than positive I would excel on the exams. Since everyone returned that meant that the Marauders were back as well and luckily enough I haven't been bothered by them yet. Currently I was located in the Common Room with Severus and Narcissa 'catching up,' as Narcissa likes to put it.

"I hope you ladies do well on the O.W.Ls, I know I will," said Severus confidently.

"Oh please Severus all of us are seemingly bright, none of us will fail I assure you." Narcissa fired back with a playful eye roll. I just sat quietly observing the two continuously bicker back and forth, oh how I've missed this. I decided that even if I was positive that I would pass my exams a little studying never hurt.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm going to go to the library if either of you wanted to join," I offered as I cut off their silly arguement.

"I'm quite alright El thanks though," Narcissa said to which Severus agreed. I nodded and made my way out of the Common Room. Walking into the surprisingly empty library I made my way to the book section about Muggle Studies and grabbed what I needed and walked to a small table in the back of the area. I got so into the subject that I didn't noticed the shadow that loomed over me.

"Excuse me is this seat taken?" said a familiar male voice. I looked up to be greeted with a small smile belonging to Remus Lupin. I returned the gesture and nodded towards the seat.

"I shouldn't say I'm surprised to see you here Elena, you're quite dedicated to your education like myself," Remus said with a slight chuckle.

"I shouldn't say I'm surprised that your friends aren't here with you," I said back with a playful tone in my voice.

"Yes, well they aren't really ones for libraries or's quite surprising that they've come this far in their education," he replied with a confused look upon his face, which caused me to laugh. Remus looked at me with a face of shock, which caused me to silence my laughter. His hazel orbs were filled with amusement and instead of commenting on it I returned to my book.

"You know Elena I don't think I've ever heard you laugh, it's beautiful almost like...bells," he said jokingly. The complement caused me to blush in embarrassment and bury my face deeper into the rustic book.

"Anywho, as much as I love speaking to you El, I was actually sent here by Dumbledore to tell you that he wants to speak with you in his office. He didn't tell me what for, only that it's important," Remus concluded and ventured on into the library. With the information I received I put the book I was reading back in it's place on the shelf and left the library. Dumbledore's office was located by the Great Hall with an ugly gargoyle guarding it. I knocked on the door and it magically opened to reveal his cluttered office. Portraits of previous Headmasters filled up the walls and a fiery phoenix was perched up on a stand aside a random shelf.

"Hello Miss Finnigan, please take a seat," said Dumbledore in which I obeyed.

"This may come as quite a shock to you, but due to recent events the Ministry of Magic has contacted me about the murder...of your parents and sister," Dumbledore concluded observing my face for some kind of reaction. I wasn't fazed by it, not a flinch or a tear.

"If you don't mind me you know exactly how they were killed?" I asked calmly.

"From the information that has been passed down to me it has to involve Voldemort and his followers," he replied sternly. I was too caught up in my thoughts to hear what else Dumbledore was mumbling. I was thinking back to the dream, or whatever it was, I had not that long ago. Did I time travel? Was that how they were killed? So many questions that would go unanswered kept forming in my mind.

"Thank you for passing on this information to me Headmaster, but I think it's time for me to take my leave...if that's okay with you?" I asked not trying to leave rudely.

"Of course Miss Finnigan and I'm sorry for your loss," He concluded and with that I strolled out of the crowded office. I knew I was alone before, but now I'm truly alone.

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