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Well, some people would like me to start a chapter with a pun. However, the answer is no

You see, I'm not Mantyke of pun maker. All my puns are Krabby and Trubbish. So in the future, there won't be Swalot of puns. I'm serious! This is not Machoke, alright?

Sorry for that. Anyway, enjoy this chapter

Another morning in whatever-city-Ash-was-in. The birds were singing, flowers were blooming,... Before the author could become Sans, Ash woke up. He was trying to get out the bed when he felt something heavy was wrapping around his body. He threw away the blanket and found Serena, who was hugging his waist. He didn't want to wake her up, but his movement was enough to do it

"Morning Ash" Serena said with a yawn.

"Morning, Serena. Why are you hugging me?" Ash asked. Serena looked down and saw she was still in that position. She broke the hug and sat up with Ash

"Sorry. It just... I met another nightmare. But I felt something was warm and kind of safe in my dream, so I wrapped it with my arms. I didn't know it was you" Serena stuck her tongue out, but she noticed Ash still had a confused look. Her smile turned into a frown

"Look. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. If you feel uncomfortable, then I understand. I'm going now" She bowed her head and about to leave, but Ash held her hand to stop her. He turned her around, forcing her to look at his eyes

"Hey, I'm not angry. If you meet any nightmare, you can do that. It's okay. As long as you feel happy and safe" Ash smiled at her and he saw her smile again. Then he walked to the bathroom for his morning routine and Serena went downstairs.

A couple of minutes later, Ash went downstairs and prepared to make breakfast, until he smelt something behind him

"Breakfast is served!" Serena said from behind, with a dish of bacon and egg. Ash was surprised

"I didn't know you can cook. I mean... I didn't even install any cooking program for you" Ash said

"I watched you cook. I learned from the best" Serena said made he blush

"Oh, I'm not that good" Then he sat down with his dish and started eating. When he took a bite on the bacon, he had to find a glass of water and drank it as fast as he could.

"Any wrong?" Serena asked worriedly

"Nothing. It tastes good" Ash tried to lie. He didn't want to make her feel bad

"Ash, just tell me. I won't be sad" She said. Ash then took a deep breath and asked

"How much salt you put in this?" Ash asked. Serena then went to the kitchen. She walked out with a jar of salt. Ash remembered the jar was full the previous day. When he checked it, the salt only reached half of the jar.

"You poured in half of that jar, didn't you?" Ash asked and Serena nodded. She felt sad that she ruined her first meal. However, Ash put his hand on her shoulders

"Don't be sad. Everyone makes mistake in their first try. You just need to learn from them" Ash said, then he asked Serena to sit down. He told his story to her

"When I made my first machine as an inventor, I kept making it explode. I needed to get to the 100th attempt to make it work perfectly" Ash said and Serena giggled. "So, don't feel bad about it. You already did your best" Ash said and tried to consume the meal on the table. After finished the meal with his salty mouth, he asked Serena to wash the dish, while he was thinking about the invention he would present in the contest.

'Should I make another human droid like Serena? Or something simple, an advanced vacuum? Oh, it's so hard to think!' Ash then drank half of the bottle of water, then he found some help. He picked up his phone and called Gary

"Hello, Meme Lord speaking" Gary said

"Oh hey Mem- I mean Gary. I need you to come here" Ash said

"What? You want to learn about girls?"

"Damn it! No! I need some ideas for my invention"

"For the contest huh? But I'm quite lazy today"

"Serena wants to meet you"

"OK, I'll be there in 5 minutes!" Gary then shut the phone. 'Only girls can be his motivation' Ash thought and turned around and saw Serena.

"Ash, who did you call? And what do you mean I want to meet him or her?" She asked

"Oh, it's nothing. But don't worry, he won't be here in just 5 minutes" - Ash comforted her - "Right?"

About 5 minutes later, he heard someone rang his doorbell. He opened the door and saw Gary, who was sweating and panting heavily

"Woah, how could you get here in just 5 minutes?" Ash asked

"Because... I'm fast... as f**k... boi..." Gary said while breathing heavily. He looked behind Ash and saw Serena

"Hey, you must be Gary. Nice to meet you" She let out a warm smile and greeted him. Gary suddenly stopped being tired. He took out a bouquet in his hand

"Hey, did it hurt when you fall from the heaven?" Gary asked and gave Serena a wink. She steamed after that, but luckily Ash gave Gary a punch in the guts and dragged him in. He had a talk with Gary about the invention

"So Gary, any idea?" He asked

"It's your choice anyway. But I suggest you to find anything familiar to you. Making something that brought memories to you." Gary said and Ash started to think. He was thinking about his first invention, but that was all he could think of. He could make a human droid, but he started to get bored of it.

However, something came into his mind. Something did gave him some memories, about his most special event.

"Gary, I think I know what to do. But you have to come with me" Ash said and Gary followed him. "Oh, and Serena, I will need you, too" He told Serena, she was confused but decided to follow him upstairs, ready for his invention for the contest.

So that's the chapter for today. I'm sorry if it's too short

For my apology, here's the meme made by ME

*sigh* We Amourshippers are just a bunch of heartless monsters

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*sigh* We Amourshippers are just a bunch of heartless monsters. #Justice4Calem

Anyway, if you want me to end every chapters with a meme from now on, just ask

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