Her Weird Neighbor

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A/N: Above, I will try and post pictures that either fit the story, set the mood, I think are interesting, or some silly meme that I find. For now, this picture is depicting Arian. I kind of imagined him to be a bit of an odd character, so staring at a black cat with a grocery bag in his hand seemed rather fitting. Also, I'm not planning on using real celebrities or people to recreate my image of the characters, as I think imagination is key to enjoying a book fully. Honestly, you can go ahead and think of Arian as Morgan Freeman if that makes you happy!

Photo by Amanda Lanzone on Behance

Enough with the rambling! Write down any silly comment that comes to mind, don't forget to Vote if your heart tells you, and ENJOY! 

Have you have ever wondered what it would be like to totally, and utterly make a horribly devastating, and ultimately humiliating mistake? Yes? Well, I bet you weren't forced to stalk someone because of it, so.....I win!? Ok, you're right. I am being a bit dramatic, but honestly, I'm quite anxious to approach Ruby's neighbor demanding for my bra to be returned. So much so that a plethora of adjectives come no where near correctly representing my pure anxiety at the thought of approaching a complete stranger with such a ridiculous request. Although, I won't lie completely, it is kind of exciting. An adventure, no matter how unpleasant, or anxious it makes you feel is always filled with some form of exhilaration.

During the entirety of my sixth hour, I desperately stared at the clock, while quietly counting down the seconds, as it slowly clicked away, edging closer to the sweet sound of the afternoon bell. Now that was dramatic! I also couldn't stop myself from wondering about that mysterious conversation during lunch. What was up with Ruby, and her transparent attempts of covering up her boyfriend. For all I know, they could have been dating for months now! 

As I picked my mind for some sort of answer to her baffling behavior, a few thoughts arose. Perhaps, her secret lover was some sort of top tier criminal, constantly running from the never-ending threat of incarceration. That would be quite entertaining. Although a bit scary, it would undoubtedly be filled with undying passion. I always have thought that Ruby could make an excellent heroine in a Bonnie and Clyde type of situation. What's unnerving about the entire situation has to be her uncharacteristic approach to the whole unveiling, which seemed to directly contrast her usually calming , but yet indifferent aura. 

I continued to humor myself instead of focusing on my boring math class, coming up with a multitude of exotic scenarios, such as her boyfriend being some famous, foreign celebrity, typically Italian, or that they were in a fallacious, or even unnatural relationship like Romeo and Juliet. Oh god! Please don't let it be with her brother, that would be all sorts of wrong, and I'm not exactly sure that I'm open enough to support incest. 

Once the bell echoed throughout the classroom, signaling our release from the outrageously monotone lecture of the importance of using significant figures, I hurriedly made my way across the campus and hid underneath the shade of the corpse of a once thriving tree. While waiting impatiently for Ruby, I couldn't help but become ever so agitated, as minutes went by, while the January wind seeped through the light fabric of my skirt. Whoever first said pain is beauty was definitely the type of person who also wore short skirts in the winter in the name of fashion. Luckily, I lived in the depths of Southern California, so there was rarely any snow, although I definitely would appreciate a white Christmas sometime in the near future. Anyone living here would have the same response. Mutual, I'm sure.

"Ah, look who finally decided to show up!" Ew, I sound like mom.

Ruby gave me a quick roll of the eyes, and wittingly responded without very much enthusiasm, "Isn't patience a virtue?" 

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