Wieners, Beer, and a Water Park

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*Please read, this one's ACTUALLY kind-of-sort-of important, as it explains my recent inactivity and schedule for updates ;) *

A/N: Hey! It literally feels like forever, since I've spoken to you guys...Weird. I guess that's what I deserve for trying to balance my hobbies with school. Ugh. Like honestly I'm so stressed out with all of these finals that I've been taking/ studying for like the PSAT/ ACT/ AP and literally every other dreaded acronym you could come up with using the English alphabet -send help- (/+-+)/

I think the best part, thus far has been the utter irony of me literally just creating a schedule, and then subsequently doing the exact opposite. Honestly guys, I'm SO sorry about that! If you didn't read my last edit of the previous chapter, first of all do, I changed the title, added more description/ context and mentioned this: I really think that posting a new chapter every 3-4 days is pretty fair, and I really want to try my best to stick up with it if possible. The one thing that I strongly want to avoid is creating and giving all of you a horribly unedited story with little to no effort. I appreciate all of my readers and my characters WAY too much to do that! I've literally fallen head-over-heels for Liz and Arian. So, I guess you'll have to deal with me being a total asshole every now-and-then with the hope that I haven't exploded due to a school work overload...

Real talk: It's totally my fault for signing up for difficult classes (Perfectionism can be a BITCH!)

My plan is to try my best to accommodate my schedule, while providing top class work, while riding on your kindness of my almost mute-like family (seriously, don't be afraid to talk, I am such a Chatty-Kathy it's surreal!) I hope you guys understand, although I really have little doubt that you won't, because you guys fucking rock!!!

[Also, I really would like to here all of your opinions on whether you prefer a shorter chapter like Part 5, or if you enjoy the longer versions like all the others. It doesn't hurt my feelings either way, I just want to know which method is more preferable to read, or makes the most sense. I want to write things that you guys like and isn't outrageously complicated for absolutely no fucking reason. I have a serious tendency to ramble, as is made pretty apparent by this ridiculous side note. I'm really not sure how entertaining that is, and I want to know if condensing would be a better option in the long run. I don't know, you tell me!]

Alright, you know the drill, please VOTE and comment if you enjoy the craziness and my weird brain! Feel free to criticize and this is in fact a Grammar Nazi Safe Zone.

Talk to you soon~


"This is definitely not safe." I rolled my eyes, as he pessimistically muttered behind my ears. In contrast, I was having a great time, enjoying the beauty of the suburbs. The wind had picked up, and it felt absolutely amazing to cycle, while feeling the breeze running through my hair and the sun delicately kissing my skin. Despite my tattered appearance, I was genuinely happy and relaxed, which were a few of several emotions I hadn't felt in a long time. For once, the world seemed to have suddenly slowed down, so that I could enjoy every single moment that passed by carefully. I could see every meticulous step of the ants, as they struggled to lift a rotted apple, the dancing movements of flowers to the synonymous beat of the wind, and every swing of elegant feathers from the birds above. Oddly, it felt as if the world was playing in slow motion with the cars driving by barely matching my own steady pace.

With a big smile, I turned to face Arian who seemed to be sliding off the back of my bike comically. Pfft. Oops! I couldn't stop laughing as I saw the humorous image of him angrily protesting in silence, while my long hair was completely engulfing his features. Consciously, I tucked the blonde mess inside the back of my T-shirt after apologizing quite playfully. I wonder why he didn't say anything? Loser.

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