What to do with a Dead Body for Dummies

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"Oh thank god," I uttered underneath my breath, forming an icy fog from frosted lips, as I saw the small, blue outline of a truck pulling into the now desolate eeriness of the park. It was more than uncomfortable having to wait in the dark, while in wet clothing and waiting for my getaway car with a drunken teenage boy. Every second was filled with fear that one of the neighboring houses would call the police after seeing some blonde bimbo dragging an unconscious body across the grassy terrain. If that doesn't blatantly scream 'suspicious' then I have no idea what constitutes as such. Judging by an outsider's perspective, things didn't look all that great for me.

I will have to admit, I was slightly underwhelmed and somewhat petrified that no one really seemed to care. Hell, a jogger even passed by and without a grain of interest, kept on his merry way.

Note to Self:

1. People Suck

2. Never get kidnapped at the park, because literally NO ONE will give a fuck

3. Consider changing to a safer neighborhood

Surprisingly, two figures were jogging over to the middle of the field instead of just the one that I had recently called, "Who's he," I questioned, genuinely interested in the small male standing beside her.

"We were..." she searched for words,"just on a...date," Jane faintly blushed, as she turned to look at him, as if soliciting confirmation. I never thought that a short guy would be her type, but if she's happy, I guess that's all that really matters in the end. To be fair, he was pretty good looking. Also, it wasn't like Arian was much of a 'LeBron James' either, so who am I to criticize?

A sudden sense of guilt overcame me, "Shit. I'm so sorry! You should have told me, really I would have-"

"Liz, what the hell did you do to this poor kid?" She exclaimed after discovering the body laying beside me on the cold grass. With a worry-stricken expression, she raised Arian's arm only for it to fall limply back to earth almost humorously. Apparently, her date also found the amusement in the situation much to my aunt's bewilderment, "What the hell, Javi? This guy is blackout drunk and his clothes are soggy, and you as well, Liz! I'll be surprised if you two don't catch ammonia."

"Honey, I think you mean pneumonia." She gave him quite the threatening glare, "Or actually, you know what, I think you're right." I felt a bit put back at how cute they were together. Really, where has she been hiding this Latin hunk? Honestly, probably from me! Jesus, maybe I should file an application to be a school secretary.

"You said that you needed someone to pick you up, not caravan a corpse!" Maybe...I should have called someone else? Jane's a sweetheart, but she' isn't anything like us Ridingers, and not simply because she lacked the trademark blonde hair, but more so in the way that she's very reserved and finds solitude in security alone, while we thrive on adventure. Anything exciting, or moderately devoid from her daily routine gives her major anxiety to the point of malfunction.

"Oh come on! It's not that bad. You just have to help me carry him over to the truck. Calm your tits, everything will be fine!" I was about ready to slap her across the face just like in the movies. Of course, I didn't, but if it came down to it, I would be more than glad, trust me.

"So," I rested my hands on my hips to show some authority after being brutally lecturing, "What's the plan? I was thinking maybe a dumpster, or-"

"What's the plan?! You're the one that called me. Seriously Liz, this isn't time to joke around." From the corner of my eye, I could see Javi trying his best to a hide a very noticeable smirk.

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