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(This is wayyyyy before Ethan comes in this is around the time before Mark dyed his hair and stuff) 

   Sat on the couch Mark turned towards Tyler whose eyes were currently glued to the T.V in front of them. Which was odd Mark thought because Tyler didn't really like T.V,  a re run of some of least years Olympics were on and his eyes were fixated on the gymnast on the screen.  "Hey Tyler?" Mark asked 

Tyler didn't look away but his mouth fell slightly open when the gymnast jumped and practically flew proceededing to do a flip in the air. Mark rolling his eyes said his name a bit louder "Tyler?" 

Still no response Tyler's eyes were on the gymnast in front of them. "TYLER!" Tyler jolted from his trance whipping his head to look at Mark in annoyance "what?" He said slightly aggravated. Mark held up his hands in defense "Nothing! Just wanted to talk to you about something" Tyler leaned forward grabbing the remote and turning the T.V down. He nodded slowly a little skeptical. The last time they had a talk like this Tyler ended up in a turkey costume. "okay" he said leaning back into the sofa. "So" Mark began "I don't know how to really say this, Amy said to be upfront, don't tiptoe but I don't know..." 

Tyler didn't say anything but nodded for Mark to continue "well um" Tyler looked at him his eyebrows raised as a sign of 'it's ok go on' 

Mark said it quickly like he was ripping off a band aid "Are you Gay?" 

Mark could see Tyler's jaw clench and his body stiffen 

Tyler felt like he had been caught doing something wrong. Like a kid who's parents discovered candy in their room. He felt like someone poured cold water inside and out of his body 

Mark felt scared like Tyler might punch him. He knew talking wouldn't get him out of it but he talked anyway "And if you are that's fine y'know I don't care I love you and I would support you no matter what" Mark continued to ramble but to Tyler it went in one ear and out the other. He could hear Mark fine but he wasn't listening his brain was mush. Tyler felt like hiding. 

Mark paused in the middle of the speech to look at wide eyed Tyler. "Tyler?" He asked cautiously not sure what was going on in the older mans mind. And if he was well even Tyler wouldn't have an answer to that. Everything felt on fire. 

That's when Tyler's face crumpled his facade was gone. Everything was gone. Mark would kick him out. Hot tears made there way out of his bloodshot eyes and onto his legs. It wasn't soon before mark scooted closer. But Tyler scooted further blubbering out apologies. 

"Please" he begged through tears "P-please don-nt kick me out-t I'm so sorry" 

Mark was taken aback by Tyler's reaction .how quickly he could come to tears "hey, no no it's okay I would never kick you out" he assured trying his best to calm Tyler 

But it seemed as if tyler didn't want to believe this "Y-yes you woul-ld!" He cried "I'm-m" he searched for the words but as soon as the slipped out he was reduced to sobs "an abomination!" He spit out his own self hating words hitting mark in the chest like daggers tears tears threatening to spill over. Tyler had his head in his hands now and mark got closer and successfully wrapped an arm around his shoulders "Listen to me Tyler" his voice wavering as he choked on his own sobs. "I love you, you are my best friend and nothing would change that. I don't care what your sexuality is I will ALWAYS except you for who you are." "I will always be there for you Tyler I CARE about you" Tyler's sobs had calmed and he began to sniffle "really?" He croaked 

"Yes" Mark said as he smiled by Tyler's side. "I'm your best friend Tyler" 

" I'll always be there" 

And mark kept his promise. He was always there for Tyler. When he was in love. And when he dealt with a nasty breakup. When his ex boyfriend verbally abused him and relapsed starving himself. When he held Tyler back from forcing himself to throw up. When he had to get a new kidney.  When he was happy. When he was sad. When he was angry. 

But the time he saw Tyler the happiest was with Ethan. He was with him when they met and he saw Tyler's blush when Ethan shook his hand. He was with Tyler when he came out to Kathryn and Amy. He was there when Tyler came out to Ethan. He was there when he saw Tyler fall in love every time the older man saw the blue haired boy. He was there when Tyler was SURE Ethan didn't like him. He was there when Tyler cried over Ethan because he thought the younger boy hated him. He saw them get close. And he saw Tyler bring him roses. He was there when Ethan would blush around Tyler. He was there when Ethan and Tyler began to hold hands. He was there through text message when Tyler was freaking out over his first date with Ethan. He was there when Tyler got on one knee 

And he was there when they exchanged vows. 

Mark never broke his promise. 

he was there when Tyler still asked him about it 

"Always be there for me?" He would ask 

And Mark would smile at his best friend. Proud of him and how far he's really come 


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