Theater Tythan AU Pt.1

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Tyler wasn't excited for his job as a cashier at a movie theater. He wasn't excited that his boyfriend Matt dumped him over text after he moved from Texas to Maine. He wasn't excited that he was the new kid at a High School. He wasn't excited that he would have to wake up early every morning for the next week just so he could have some other kid teach him how to work a cash register and a god damn popcorn machine. He wasn't excited, not one bit.

Tyler made his way to the center of the movie theater towards the concession stand that held all the candy and popcorn. He wished that he were here for a movie and not a damn job. He awkwardly stood looking around for anybody.
Someone was supposed to show me around today.
Tyler stared at the vacant area in front of him.
Guess they ditched?
Suddenly the doors behind him were wrenched open to reveal a tall woman with bright blonde hair highlighted orange at the ends. The doors hung open behind her as she ran in her hair swishing around her as she approached Tyler. "Sorry" she panted "I'm late" she steadied her self against the counter "I was caught in traffic and-" Tyler cut the girl off "Its alright" her eyes brightened "Really? Okay phew! Well then" she started with a smile "let's get started"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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