Chapter 5

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I woke up and I felt my whole body trembling because of pain. It hurt so much that I gasped pretty hard. And then I looked in his face. "Good morning my masterpiece. I hope you slept well." I was a bit confused but I nodded. Every fucking bone of my body felt like it was about to fall off. "You must be hungry since you didn't got to eat the last days... I brought you some bread and Water." He handed me the water and I took it very thankful. I took a big sip before I ate the bread. It was hard and small but I still ate it because what else could I possibly do? As I ate, Leo watched me like he was hungry too. But not for the bread. Anyways I gave him the last piece of my bread but he shook his head. "Eat, so you can dance for me better." I gulped down my bread. "What?" I asked confused. "You need to dance for me, I'll give you a song and you dance." I didn't say anything against it and stood up. Leo gave me a classic melody on his phone and I needed a moment but in the end I started to move my body along with the music. We harmonized perfectly and even though my body hurt with every movement, the music filled me with new power and gave me the strength to move like I wished. Moving my body in front of him made me feel special and I forgot that I was naked. As The song ended, my body ended on the floor. I was breathing heavily but Leo clapped slowly for me. "This looks breathtaking. Every time you do this, it's different. No dance is like the other." He must've watched me for a while now I thought. But I didn't feel weird or anxious about this. I wasn't even scared.
I felt honored.

He walked towards me and held my waist. Again he cut. I bit my lip and tried my best to not fall down because I was becoming his masterpiece so I should try my best to behave like one. "Such a magnificent piece of art you are... even standing still while I work on your joints. Such a good boy." He said and I felt myself blushing and feeling honored by the sweet words that hit me right in the heart.

He kept on doing his work and the blood flew down my thighs again and it reminded me of what happened yesterday. It reminded me of his cum that flew down my thighs like that. I put my head back and a soft moan escaped my mouth as he cut me again. Leo only smiled. He looked at his art piece, the meat of flesh that he already consumed.

The pain slowly vanished. Or was it just becoming better because I did it for him? For the person I loved?

Leo laid me down on the bed and looked deep into my eyes. The winning smile told me everything. He did it. He took my will and now... Now he couldn't see himself in my eyes anymore. It was over.

I lost.

Puppeteer - LeoN/ NeoWhere stories live. Discover now