Chapter 8

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He was gone as I woke up. I smiled sadly but it turned in to a happy smile as I saw the note on the night table. There was also a plate with cookies on it. I looked at it and grinned. My master loved me. He loved me and no one could ever tell me something else.

I grabbed the note and started to read.

Dear Hakyeonee

I had to go to work a little bit earlier today. Don't worry and enjoy your day. I have a few things for you that you have to do.

I laid down a few clothes and a wig. I want you to wear it. There is a man coming to do your make up. Be a good boy.

Enjoy the cookies my masterpiece.

I couldn't deny that he made me happy with everything he did. I ate a cookie and changed in to the clothes he laid down. It was a cute light blue dress and a red haired wig. Even underwear was there. I got dressed without questioning anything.

I waited for the man and watched TV while eating the cookies he made with love for me. Then I heard the doorbell so I hopped down the stairs. The dress fluffed around and I loved it. I loved all of his special presents and I loved him.

I opened the door and the man looked at me confused. "Are you Hakyeon?" I nodded a bit. "Ah I'm the one that does your make up. Would you let me?" I opened the door wider for him to walk in.

He came in and I closed the door. He looked at my body and I just awkwardly smiled at him. "So do we need to go in the bath room or can I just sit down somewhere?" "You can sit wherever you want." He said and I did. I sat down on the sofa and he came closer. And closer... and he touched my cheek. I was a bit confused because he looked at me in a way I couldn't understand.

He laid one hand on my thigh and shoved my dress a bit up. "Yah! Only my master is allowed to touch me there." I warned him but he was faster. He grabbed my hands and pushed me down. But I was fighting against him. I hit him with all my power and he fighted as well. "Why are you so stubborn? You're going to be raped by him anyways. I could be more gentle than him." I growled. "I don't want anyone else. I want my master go away from me or his revenge will be bloody. " I threatened him but he just kept touching me.

But I already heard the door. "You're fucked now." I laughed and he was confused. Master was already behind him. "Hands away." He ordered the guy. He behaved immediately and looked scared at him. "What should I do with someone who touches something that's mine?" He thought loudly and grabbed his arms. "You're coming too Hakyeon." I nodded and followed my master who pulled the guy to the dungeon. He threw him on the ground but instead of doing something to harm him, Master gave me a knife. "Kill him Hakyeonee." "What?" I asked confused and backed away. "Stay away from me!" The guy said. "Don't harm me I got children at home!" He begged and I couldn't take the father from children away.

I looked closer at him. He... had a small mole on the tip of his nose. My father had this as well... He also had this kind of look in his face. "How many? How old are they?" I asked and came closer. "2. A boy and a girl they're both nearly your age. I had a younger son too but he ran away." "LIAR." I screamed at him. "YOU LEFT HIM ALONE IN THE WOODS TO DIE BECAUSE HE WAS DARK SKINNED." "Good Hakyeonee, do it now!" "Hak-Hakyeon? I'm so happy to see you again! We missed you, come back home!" Tears streamed down my face. "Too bad that I got the knife this time, right? You made a big mistake leaving me alone. Look who found me, look who I am now... You carry the guilt of your own dead on your shoulders. We meet again in hell, Father." I pushed the knife through his eye. "Does it hurt you? Does it feel bad? Are you sorry now?" His screams sounded like music in my ears and I cut of his nose before I took his fingers...

It was a pure carnage. But I was happy and master smiled as well. "Good boy... Good boys deserve to be cuddled and kissed. Right? Do you want to take a bath with your master? Just leave him there you don't need him anymore."

He took my hand and guided me in to the bathroom

We took a bath and I got to sleep in his arms like every night.

I loved him.

And I know that no one will ever understand why.

But I didn't care. And neither did he...

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