Chapter 6

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„Master You're here" I said and walked over to Leo as soon as he opened the door. "Oww are you happy that your master is here? Aww so cute." He called me cute. Even that small compliment could make my heart stop for a few seconds. If I think of it, my brain already stopped because of him. But well... There was nothing I could do against it.

Nothing I wanted to do against it.

"What is in your bag master?" I asked nosey and tried to look into it but he wouldn't let me. "Work goes first." Master said and pulled out his knife. "Sit down please." He asked me and I sat down on my bed. "Give me your feet." I lifted one of them and he kneeled in front of me while cutting around the joints of my toes. I couldn't feel any pain and was totally okay with him hurting me. "You don't look like you're in pain but you're still crying." Master said and I touched my cheek carefully. It was wet. "I really cried?" I asked and looked at him like I didn't understand him. "You still are... Something inside you can still feel the pain. At least it seems like it." He kept on cutting around my joints. I laid my head back and thought about what he just said. It was hard for me to understand because I simply couldn't feel pain anymore. Soon he took my other foot and continued.

As he was done, he looked at my face. "Now you have to stay still. You got me, Hakyeonee?" I nodded and smiled brightly. He called my by my name. "You like that? Hakyeonee? Should I call you like that more often now?" I nodded again. "Okay but you need to stay still now." He moved his hand up to my face to cut from the end of my mouth down and a bit under the chin. He did this on the other side too and then he looked at me. "You deserve to eat something now hm?" I looked at him begging. Blood dropped down on my hand as I reached out for the food that he had in his hand. "You don't need to move, I will feed you. Open your mouth." I did as he said and he shoved a spoon filled with pudding in my mouth. He fed my with chocolate pudding and it was the best food I ever ate in my entire life. While I ate, master looked at my tummy. He just watched my tummy. "Master are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded. "You need to gain some weight and build up your muscles again. Or you won't be pretty anymore." My master said this and I kept eating fast, not wanting him to think that I was ugly. "Good boy." Master said and I smiled again.

No pain. Nothing.

He left me alone and I played with my collar. I liked the sparkling thing and I could have looked at it for hours. But instead I thought that it could make my master happy if I would dance for him.

I stood up and I started to do a bit gymnastic stuff before I started to randomly put elements from modern dance and hip hop together. In the end it even looked good! I was proud of myself and looked up the camera. "Do you like it master? Should I dance more? Do you like it when my body is moving for you?" My wounds must have been ripped open while I was dancing because my master suddenly came in. "As much as I admire your body while dancing, lay down and please don't dance as long as the wounds are that fresh. We want those to leave scars but also to heal properly. So you have to put your nice ass on the bed." I behaved and sat down and then I smiled. "Now... please hold still." He put something on my wounds. "We need to disinfect them so they'll heal nicely. Right?" I looked at him with shining eyes. "You care about me master?" I asked and bit my lip. "Of course. You are my masterpiece. I need you to be healthy, right?" He gave me one of his precious but rare smiles. And every time he did, I kept it in my heart. I treasured it. I kept it in my heart forever. Because every time he did, I felt so honored... I felt loved.

Leo kept treating my wounds nicely and I just sat there and smiled at him. He treated my body with love and dedication. And I loved to watch him doing so. No one ever treated me like that.

"Here take this. This heals your soul. But... eat it after telling me why such a precious boy like you ended up living his whole life on the street?" He gave me a whole chocolate bar. "I... I'm pretty dark skinned. As you can probably see. I was born in a rich white family. No one knew why I was so different. Nobody knew why I wasn't white. My two siblings were and they were musicians from the day they were born. I was always dancing. Singing too but I enjoyed the dancing more and more. My parents somehow decided to take me out on a trip. Me and only me. They left me alone in the woods and... They probably thought I would die but I found my way back to the city. I kept watching the house of my parents, stealing some strawberries from the garden to keep myself up. As it got colder, I went back in to the city. I knew that my parents were not joking as they left me alone in the woods. From that point on, I lived alone. And I survived. Only through dancing and maybe a little stealing. I always wanted to go to school and I always kept watching children going to school. I wanted to learn too. I wanted to write all my thoughts down... But I was never able to. I was 5. A 5 year old child that walked around and wanted to do nothing but to learn how to read. I wanted to read fairytales, adventure books, and books about dancing. Well anyways... I guess this is my story. Why don't you continue cutting? Master I can stand it really good and the sooner I'm done, the better right?"

My master was impressed so he ended the work on my whole torso. After that, he cared for my wounds again and I kept up my smiling face. "Eat the chocolate." He said and lifted me up. "You're ready." He said and walked out of the cage with me. I took a bite of the chocolate. "Where are we going?" "I'm bringing you somewhere you belong." We took a few stairs up. As he opened the door that I once opened by myself, I looked outside the window. It was dark. Night.

Leo brought me to even bigger stairs and walked forward. His house was... wow. He seemed to be very rich. But I was way too tired to memorize anything. He laid me down on his bed and gave me clothes of him. A boxer shorts and a shirt. I was happy to wear his clothes. They smelled like him. "We're bathing you tomorrow hm? Sleep well." Master laid himself behind me and laid his arms around me. "Good night, masterpiece." Good night, master.."



"I love you."

Leo chuckled as he pressed a soft kiss on the back of my head.

"Sleep now. It's time."

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