Chapter 6

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Thomas leaned against the wall watching Shay and Owen spar. Owen was almost impaled by an icicle and judging by Shay's face, it hadn't been done on purpose. She still lacked basic control after seven months of training. Aside from her ability training, she also did hand-to-hand combat, shooting, poisons and other lethal techniques. She didn't like the guns though. She said they were too noisy.

"Will you help us?" Shay asked. The cameras in the training room only recorded video as well so they could talk freely as long as the cameras didn't see their lips moving.

"Do you have any idea what you're asking me to do? Lewis will have my head," Owen said. He threw a snowball at her that she dodged. She tried to step towards him but her feet were frozen to the ground.

"Owen, is this you or me?" she asked.

He sighed. "That's you Shay. How is it that after seven months you still can't stop that from happening?"

"Her teacher must not be very good," Thomas said, enjoying the glare Owen was sending his way. Owen was a soldier, somewhat of a prodigy from what he'd heard. Thomas had to admit that he was good, but Rizalia was better. If Shay couldn't control herself enough to defeat him then she wouldn't be able to defeat her.

Ice was traveling up Shay's leg.

"Thomas, a little help please," she said.

He knelt down by her leg and melted the ice around her feet. He'd always thought that fire was only useful if it was destroying something, then he started working for Shay and found other uses for his 'curse'.

"Maybe it would be better if I tried to teach you," he said.

"Ice and fire are two different things," Owen said. Unlike Shay, he didn't have to constantly be wearing jackets and scarfs to keep from freezing solid.

"They may be different but the method of control would be the same," Thomas said.

"Owen, are you going to help us or not?" Shay asked.

"Shay, you know Samuel will not stand for that show of defiance. He'll have men after you the minute you leave," Owen said.

"I know," Shay said.

"But you're still going to do it."

Shay glanced at Thomas. "We have a plan."

"I still think you should not do it."

"I will be going with her," Thomas said.

"He insisted," Shay said.

Owen looked at him then back at Shay. "You're taking this twig?"

"He's stronger than he looks," Shay said.

"Then prove it."

"Are you challenging me to a fight?" Thomas asked. He used Shay's training room when she was sleeping so he wasn't completely out of shape, but he hadn't had a fight in months.

"Let's see what you've got." Owen took up his fighting stance. "I won't lose to a pipsqueak like you."

"You do realize that we are the same height," Thomas said. Owen was bigger than him with broader shoulders and was at least forty pounds heavier than him. Thomas had never been able to pack on much muscle. He couldn't consume the necessary calories to do so, but that didn't mean he was weak and it certainly did not mean that he was going to lose this fight. He wasn't slowed down by any of Owen's bulk.

It was a good thing he'd worn his fireproof pants. He'd accidentally burnt off his clothes too many times to risk fighting without wearing fireproof pants. Thomas removed his waistcoat and shirt. They weren't fireproof. He tried to forget the tattoos that he normally kept hidden underneath his clothes. The chain around his left upper arm, a bird made from music notes just above his right hip and the compass on his left shoulder blade. One of these days, he need to get them removed.

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