Chapter 9

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There were four other men dressed in black on the inside. They all looked too alike for Thomas to be able to tell them apart.

"What are you two doing up here in a storm like this? Didn't you hear that we closed the door to pilgrims for their safety?" the man asked. Thomas thought that a strange thing to do.

Shay tried to answer but her teeth were chattering too much.

"We were instructed to come here," Thomas said.

"Who in their right mind would tell you to come up here? The stairs are broken and the roads are all but destroyed," another one of the men said.

"I think we should question them after they change out of their wet clothes," the third man said.

"I'm fine but Shay needs to change," Thomas said. He was actually enjoying how cold he felt at the moment but he could barely see anything with his shades still on.

"You can remove your glasses. We already saw you put out the fire. Brother Vernon will show you where you can change. An earthquake caused a cave-in at the Lower Monastery so it's a little crowded here," one of the men said. Thomas took his off. He tried to ignore the way they flinched and moved away from him when they saw his eyes.

The second man, at least he thought it was the second man, gestured for them to follow him. They didn't go through the church but walked towards the back. The entire building was a cave with a door. They walked down some stairs. He opened a door to a room with a few bunk beds.

"The girl can change in here," he said. "I will show you to another room."

"No. I'll wait for her to change," Thomas said.

"Don't you—"

"I said I was fine."

"Thomas," Shay said warningly.

Thomas leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. He heated up himself and in no time, he and his clothes were dry. "I don't need to change." He turned to Shay. "I'll wait here until you're done," he said.

"I apologize for his gruffness," Shay said as she went inside. She closed the door behind her.

"There's no need to be so worried. This is a church. You and your wife are safe here," the man said.

They weren't safe if they had been followed. Someone must have changed the course of the tornado.

"We aren't married," Thomas said. "I am her servant, or whatever she needs me to be. I was employed by her brother."

The man examined his face. "That might be your title but those are not the eyes of an employee. I will return in a few minutes. It's almost time for supper." He disappeared further down the stairs.

The door opened.

"Thomas, I need a little help," Shay said. She pointed to the zip of her jacket. "My fingers are too numb."

Thomas zipped it up for her. "Turn around. Let me dry your hair," he said.

"Don't get used to giving me orders," she said, turning around.

"It was more of a suggestion than an order." He heated up his hands and ran his fingers slowly through her hair. He tried not to think about what he was doing, or how closely they were standing.

"We need to find out more about the monastery. I'm still not sure why we're here." She hummed a soft tune as she thought for a moment. "The waiter said that praying to Saint Basil will give you what you want. He might have something to do with the Book." She reached for her notebook that she had dropped onto the table. It slipped out of her hand. "Still too numb," she said.

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